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Old 10-07-2019, 10:05 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is online now
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Metatron is the highest AA. At the level of the center of our Universe, the level of Creation. He's connection to our Stellar Gateway chakra which is also the one that allows you to connect to that high level.
He likely isn't mentioned in the Bible -many angels aren't btw- because then their fabricated story of Creation would be buggered up. You musn't forget that what is in the Bible was decided by a group of men during Roman times. They left out everything they didn't deem important or what would undermine their power over people.

I personally don't believe in fallen angels either, nor in hell or the devil. As far as I'm concerned these are all made up to manipulate people, to keep them in fear and to make sure they kept doing what the ones in power wanted them to do. People came to believe that. Not so weird as most couldn't even read or write and as such educate themselves and were reliant on others who could for guidance. Church had made sure of that.
Anyone who did know what it was truly like was killed, accused of being a witch for instance. Problem sorted.

In any case, I can't help with why you heard this. Why don't you just ask? You may get answers via signs, words or names you suddenly keep seeing on telly, the side of trucks and so on.
Maybe it was just a wake-up call.
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