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Old 08-07-2019, 12:20 AM
guthrio guthrio is offline
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Same All, Same All


Just posting some thoughts that came to mind in recent days, based on some of the same-old, same-old arguments:

The entire Creation, from sub-atomically tiny to astronomically large, is ONE system, created of the Eternal Being in Whom we live, move, and have OUR being.....

The "sphere" and the "hole" are aspects of the same event, which, Itself, is not separated into the aforementioned semantic definitions (names) we choose to assign.

The apparent dichotomy of the used terms, "negative / positive", "vacuum / solidness", "filled space / empty space", is derived from a misinterpretation of a unitary Reality based on an annoyingly persistent habit whose presence and use is all-too-prevalent in our beliefs and language; and that is, the unintentional bifurcation of the observer FROM the observed.

This habit facilitates our erroneous assumption that the names we use to identify events, actually define those events in their own essences, causing us to, in effect.....

....."confuse the map (of our designations) for the territory (of Reality)".

"Inside / outside" comprises a cohesive EVENT that IS NOT separated into those designations of it at ANY point. We are inseparably, inextricably linked with that which we observe.

As there are NO real "borders" temporally, called past, present, future, there are NO real "borders" spatially, either.....except as designated on our "cultural maps"!

The designations are MADE UP in order for us to pretend that there IS a "before" and an "after", "here" and "there", a "going away from...." and a "return to...",

What we define as "sphere", or "square", or "triangle", or "torus", or "tesseract" or "wormhole", or "here" or "there", must not be thought of as entities in their OWN right......

....because these "aspects", however named, are REALLY the Whole system acting AS IF IT WERE the "part" we, myopically and erroneously call it, to the EXCLUSION of the Whole, without which the "part" is not even ABLE to be manifested for our "inspection" and "description" of it !

As a metaphor, consider that the weather systems within which we live (i.e. exist) are not really "local" (i.e. compartmentalized) at all, but are the continuous interaction of ONE global system, right? Recall how relatively minor tropical depressions spawned off the coast of Africa make their way across the Atlantic ocean, gathering strength throughout the journey, culminating in a Hugo or Rita or Katrina thousands of miles away......just because the Earth revolves on its axis while the most massive nuclear reactor in the solar system heats up the planet from 93 million miles away !!

There is nothing compartmentalized about ANY of these interactions, whether on a subatomic or cosmic scale.....each happening continuously, and interactively.....and flawlessly, AS ONE PERFECTLY CREATED SYSTEM throughout the universe every single moment of its existence for the last.....13.7 billion years, give or take a millennium.....

As indicated in the reference is, "Perfection does not come from projecting our own ideas but from awakening to the knowledge that it is already the established order of things."

Whether in math or in Life, the solution to ALL ignorance can only be experienced when we recognize AND apply the Truth to ourselves, just is it must be applied to an equation.....

WHY ??

Because PERFECTION is the immutable, "a priori" manifestation of the Truth of OUR OWN NATURES...... upon which NOTHING can be imposed or forced.....

......not even erroneous notions of ourselves or the Creation to which we are inextricably linked !!

OUR OWN ignorance of the unchangeable, eternal Truth of ourselves (that we are perfectly created) acts PRECISELY like ignorance of the perfect operation of a mathematical equation ALWAYS and INVARIABLY produces incorrect results.

The universe is full of Truth, not at all empty, nor is there anything "absent" about the Principles by which the Universe was created OR operate, ALL OF WHICH function perfectly, without variation, deviation, attenuation OR exception for anyone, at anytime, anywhere !!

If the Universe, in its manifested expression, acts as ONE SYSTEM, why would we surmise that the expression of ANYTHING IN IT (which are inseparably correlated WITHIN the Universal expression) is compartmentalized into our "definitions" ? There is really no division at all (just like the weather), except as we arbitrarily designate because we've chosen to perceive and act "as if" Reality is only the sum of a "plethora of parts" .....unrelated to one another.

The entirety of Reality is ONE, with NO separations, gaps, or "holes" in the Whole of Creation.

....."As above, so below" One.

....."As within, so without" One.

Any perceived void, so to speak, is found ONLY within our flawed understanding....of What IS now...

....waiting to be full-filled...."weather" we're aware of it or not, in the Garden of You.

Reference: Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East (Vols 1-6) by Baird T. Spalding
“Why, that’s true! I am a perfect, unlimited gull!” Jonathan opened his eyes asking, "Where are we?” The Elder Chiang said, “We’re on some planet with a green sky and a double star for a sun.” Jonathan made a scree of delight. “IT WORKS!" “Well, of course it works, Jon,” said Chiang. “It always works, when you know what you’re doing." (and even when you don't)

Last edited by guthrio : 08-07-2019 at 01:22 AM.
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