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Old 01-07-2019, 05:56 AM
freebird freebird is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 144
So what are your thoughts about the afterlife? Is it for real and not just a fairytale? Do we all experience it or just the ones who want to?
Originally Posted by Starman
Most of the world's religions are built around concern for the so-called afterlife, and children are indoctrinated
in those religious concerns from a very young age.

Object permanence is and innate psychological feature of most human beings, now its' here and now its' not here.
When a child's pet dies they often ask where did my puppy go after they died, or where do goldfish go when they die, etc.
The other thing to consider is grieving after the loss of a loved one. There is and emotional connection that people usually
feel in the loss of a loved one that brings up feelings about that person still being with them, or that they will see that
person again in the afterlife.

In a world where everything is temporary there is a natural curiosity about where does everything go. This curiosity
not only includes the death of humans but also the death of all other living things, and the dramatic changes in nature.
Lots of people have a hard time accepting change, especially dramatic change; this fuels the curiosity of what's next.

It does not matter whether there is actually and afterlife or not, most religious and spiritual people believe that what
we do now, in this life, will have and effect on us once we leave this life. There are as many ideas about what comes
after human death as there are people on this Earth, and it seems most strive to make their idea the dominant idea.
This includes those who do not believe in and afterlife.
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