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Old 30-06-2019, 05:52 PM
7luminaries 7luminaries is offline
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Originally Posted by Gem
I don't believe in mythical nonsense like Lilith so I won't go there - I just thought it strange to categorise sex with with breathing and eating when you'd die without the latter(s) but don't need the former to survive.

It's more like a species needs sex to survive whereas any given individual doesn't. I wouldn't suggest repression or guilt or anything like that and see no point for celibacy outside serious meditation retreats.

Where trying to evoke Lilith is an entirely imaginary, completely unnecessary, utterly futile and seemingly distressing activity, I'd say there must be more constructive things people can do with their time. (so I lied)
To the OP...Light Lady: If you are seeking or walking a spiritual path...
My general thoughts are this.

I would just add that yes, it's very different indeed.
Agreed with Gem that only the species as a whole needs sex to survive.
No individual needs sex to survive.

Sex is not at all in the same survival hierarchy of needs as air, water, food, and shelter.
Nor even is sex anywhere near as important as having a community, a civil society, in which to live in peace and safety, unmolested.

Nor is sex as important as having a way to make your living in the world and earn your bread.
All these things are higher in the survival hierarchy for any one individual.

Moreover, unlike breathing, eating, or pooping, which are solo acts (as Gem noted), intercourse is done with another human being, another soul -- which puts it into the realm of morality, ethics, and human relationship. For these reasons, we act IMO with great spiritual denial and neglect -- and often with great spiritual and emotional harm -- when we act "as if" sex is just another bodily function, like eating or excreting.

There are many outlets for sexual energy, including work, exercise, meditation, and so forth.
Additionally, solo sex harms none -- as long as it's not tied to porn addiction and feeding that beast.
My position is solo sex (sans porn) is a healthy outlet in moderation.

But sex with another person -- just like ANY other interaction with another person -- requires consideration of their highest good equally to your own. According to them and not simply according to you. If you don't know and love them as people and as beloved friends, then it is extremely unlikely that you can realistically ascertain whether casual sex is truly in their highest good. Regardless of "legal consent", another big gray area.

For these reasons, the most realistic assessment is that casual sex cannot be said (with any basis of certainty) to be in the highest good of the other. And if we don't know and love them deeply as people and as beloved friends, then we definitely cannot assess this with any certainty.

Last, we can say with much more certainty that for those folks we do know and love deeply as people and as beloved friends, we would (most of us) never seek to use them for casual sex. Because we would be much better able to see and ascertain their highest good, with a much deeper and greater clarity. From place of true awareness and true connection. From our centre, in authentic love.

So...IMO...if we're having casual sex, the honest and mature thing to do is to own that we're probably not acting in the highest good of the other and that what we do is much more likely to be for our own selfish gratification.

And from that honest perspective, it's on us to take full ownership for where we are actually living, with eyes wide open.

Peace & blessings
Bound by conventions, people tend to reach for what is easy.

Here we must be unafraid of what is difficult.

For all living beings in nature must unfold in their particular way

and become themselves despite all opposition.

-- Rainer Maria Rilke
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