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Old 29-06-2019, 07:15 AM
Aknaton Aknaton is offline
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Caught up Into the 3rd Heaven (Experiences)

I thought that we could share a few experiences on our visits to heaven. I do hope that we could share our experiences as a way of lighting up this section.

An experience I had was one day in a dream, I was in a gathering of worshippers and they were all worshipping God and I kept on repeating, "Lord Jesus, lift me up by Your Spirit." And then, all of a sudden, God's Spirit came upon me heavily and the spirit in me flew upwards at lightening speed like a dart of light and I found myself in Heaven with the gathering of the Saints.

As I was at the back of the seating area, I saw thousand of Saints in white effulgent garments and almost automatically, I find myself in the rows. Then in front on a Throne and platform stood our Lord Jesus Christ and everyone including the Angels were saying "Hosana, in the Highest!" There were many different songs with different lyrics, but they were all in sync.

I saw this in two ways at the same time, one filled with Light and a bluish colour and the second was that of divine colours and a rainbow was about Jesus Christ. Then I came back into the body, and this left an indelible imprint on my heart and mind.

This was my experience.
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
John 16:7
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