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Old 26-06-2019, 10:56 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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Originally Posted by Sapphirez
all hominids are not omnivorous by choice. they prefer and eat fruit when they are able to. their bodies are designed to ideally eat fruit, just as ours are, clearly.

if a diet causes acidity which causes nearly every disease and disorder and death, it is not sound to call it consistently effective or practically applicable, unless disorder, untimely death and painful disease is your aim.

to call the reality of acid being corrosive and destructive "hocum" is beyond silly Gem. if you don't understand that acidity and toxicity are the root causes of deterioration and discontentment it is not a wonder you don't understand the message of fruitarianism and deep healing that I made this thread to try to share

sports nutrition science is limited in scope and comprehension of optimal human functioning and true sustainable strength. by nature exercise creates acid (lactic acid which I'm sure you're aware) and high protein is acidic which eventually exacerbates the body even further.

you're so worried about someone being malnourished yet you fail to acknowledge how difficult it is for a compromised body to garner the nutrition and nourishment from whatever food it's given. acidified cells are dehydrated and hydration can't enter such cells and oxygenation is undermined, and the entire functioning of the body is thwarted. it's highly plausible what you've decided to believe about what people need to truly be nourished and healthy is inaccurate. acid is fire, the body is supposed to be more water-oriented. if you feed the body acid things and then throw nutrients at it, many of them get burned up or turn into waste which the body has to attempt to dispose of, and when it can't because its channels are blocked or weakened due to toxicity and acidity, it just creates more calamity.. when you throw nutrients at water they're more likely to be absorbed.. but this is just a silly analogy, obviously there are water and fat soluble nutrients but anyways, you don't want to set fat on fire either of course.. in fact fat is essentially a direct result of acidification, or is acid by nature. We need it in a certain way but not when it becomes a burden or toxin to us.. the body uses cholesterol as an antacid to try to heal and alkalize. I'm not trying to talk or type around in circles though but it all comes back to the lymphatic system working to remove waste and toxicity that doesn't belong and in order for it to work optimally it needs raw fresh food, especially fruit. if it doesn't work properly, disease, disorder and sooner than later death ensue. that's all there is to it. if you don't understand the importance and function of the lymphatic system and its connection to the rest of the body and brain, and won't accept the facts that human bodies are designed to thrive on fruit, that's a personal problem you should deal with because the facts are established even if they are inconvenient for your career choice and loyalty to mainstream sports nutrition science

I concern myself with getting enough calories and a complete nutrient profile. That's all. If a person is vegan, we do that by vegan means, if a person is vegetarian, then fine, and if a person is omnivorous, that's the way we go. It's not my place to tell people how to live their lives. I merely advocate getting the right amount of food with a complete nutrition profile (includes a bunch of veges and fruit). We can bang on abut acid fallacies forever but unless the calorie intake and nutrient profile is established, there's no point being concerned about the asides.
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