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Old 23-06-2019, 10:21 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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Originally Posted by Sapphirez
oh puhleeze.. there's a point where what you keep saying just gets ridiculous and needs to be defined as so. It is beyond clear that the human body and physiology most closely resembles other frugivore species and is designed to thrive optimally from consumption of fruit.

That doesn't make sense considering all the hominids are omnivores.

Bodies are designed to take whatever's given to them and make the best of it, but when that product is not ideal there is excessive unwanted byproduct, waste and toxicity to deal with, and over time this breaks the body down and makes it unable to conduct its normal functions. The variety of foods that you keep spouting off as being all right or recommended for human function come from a number of categories that burden the human body and disrupt its flow. This is obvious with all the common diseases and disorders that are incessantly seen by the billions of people who have short life spans and eventually succumb to death due to the acidity and toxicity these foods not meant for our species bring with them. I don't sit here sharing this information or make a thread like this because I want these foods to be bad for us, many foods besides fruit, including cooked foods, I enjoy eating very much and wish they were truly healthy, but they are not.

I don't disagree with that in general considering the 'standard american diet' is high in high-calorie/low nutrient, highly processed food, and a higher fresh vege and fruit consumption would be a vast improvement on 'fast foods', sugary drinks etc. However, to promote a diet that does not provide the nutrient quota an individual needs is ludicrous, and to think all people would adhere to one kind of diet is unrealistic.

Not for one second have you paused in how many pages to take a moment and ponder anything I've actually said or step outside your comfort zone of government approved nutrition schooling. I've asked you to stop posting in here if you're not willing to do that because it's unfair and wasting my time trying to defend and shed light on the truth to someone who is uninterested in shedding the mainstream brainwashing.

On the contrary, I speak of things that are consistently effective and practically applicable. In that way, people who are vegans, vegetarians or omnivores can all get the nutrition that suits them best. Frugarianism is highly restrictive, so it makes adequate nutrition difficult.

Everyone who comes here to this forum (I hope) seeks to expand their horizons and find higher more significant meaning in things and destroy the programming that conditioned them into thinking it's not possible or reality. I know even to most soul searchers here who experience magnificent things still the concept of fruitarianism seems far-fetched, but that is because the programming is so far embedded in our brains and culture from the time we are born and then subsequently given a cow's teat to suck on after our human mother's.. only I've never seen a human baby, child, or adult actually sucking on a cow's teat (have you?) because well that's ridiculous right? but yet most think it makes sense that we drink the cow's milk..

But I didn't say people should drink milk, and if a person doesn't want to or can't, the nutrients milk could provide can be gotten from other sources (though not from fruit).

anyways it also doesn't make sense that we cook and destroy nature's bounty before we eat it either.. it also doesn't make sense that we eat a bunch of grains or complex starches that the body has to work overtime to make use of and have the end result be a bunch of toxic waste it needs to rid itself of.. just because the government told you that you need 84mcg of copper or 550mg of vitamin c a day doesn't mean that's the actual reality or the way the body ultimately works with nutrients or food. taking a vitamin, especially synthetic ones that are the mainstay of the mainstream, has no comparative value to consuming real food, and denatured cooked and processed foods or foods with a bunch of antinutrients and toxic qualities that often require cooking or processing to even begin being seen as food don't compare to more pure foods in their natural state that work synergistically with the human body and don't carry a bunch of baggage that starts causing disease and disorder which are just the body being overburdened and broken down along with them.

As I explained before, there is a hierarchy of priorities when considering the diet. 1) Get enough calories 2) Get a reasonable distribution of protein, carbs and fat 3) get a balance of micronutrients 4) establish meal distribution so you get nutrients over the day and ; lastly, 5) Supplementation. There is no point considering supplementation until the first 4 priorities are met, and when they are met, there will be little to no need for supplementation (this is why proper nutritionists don't make money from supplement sales). You make it is sound as if I suggest supplements as food replacements, but on the contrary, supplements are only to supplement any shortfalls in a person's nutrient profile, and wherever possible, people need to get their nutrition from real, whole food.

Those you live to help are going to eventually be diagnosed with the same b s diseases and die like everyone else who thinks that almost everything on this planet was made for us to eat on a daily basis.

People do tend to clean uo their diets, drop the extra fat and acquire muscle mass, which are the leading determinants of longevity and functionality in old age. I don't expect people to be perfect, and many of them still drink alcohol and eat rubbish, but I'm not telling anyone how to live their lives. I only work with then to put in place a healthier way which is sustainable for them over the long term.

I'm sorry but it's not. and I don't want any more people suffering because they eat a diet that turns their insides into acid. I'm not sure you could ever accept the truth or allow yourself to honestly openly look into it because you know most people are victims of the same programming you are and they would laugh at a fitness coach (or whatever your job title is) telling them to eat mostly fruit. But if they don't eat mostly fruit they'll never be able to properly detoxify and regenerate their bodies and tissue. Vegetables are not the enemy but they're not a human's best friend either. Only fruit is truly compatible with our bodies to make it run most efficiently and painlessly. The simplicity of it all is, if it's already acidic or turns into acid ash in the body or carries a bunch of unwanted constituents that turn into acid and cause the body to create more acid processing them, this acid is going to eat away at the body. cuz that's what acid does.

Sorry, but the acid story is hocum. It is true in the sense that an 'alkalyne diet' is a diet high in fruit and veg, which is a diet high in nutrients, so in that sense I advocate an 'alkaline diet'.

Someone who does know their stuff will claim their is one way of eating that is optimal for everyone, because every human being has the design of a species intended to thrive on fruit.

Even if that were true, it isn't useful unless individuals adhere to that way of eating, and in the real world we aren't dealing with ideals - we only do what we can with what we've got, and we generally makes small changes so beneficial lifestyle adaptions can be solidly established before making some more changes. Very few people would consider taking a fruit diet, so in practical terms, it simply won't work for the vast majority of people. Vegans won't eat animal produce, so only plant based will work for them. Furthermore, every individual is different as to what they are prepared to do which they can stick to, and what nutrient profile they need to meet their particular activity types and levels. That's the real world, and if I was to work with someone who would only eat fruit, I would advise them that fruit includes all food from flowering plants, and from that, talk about how many different foods we have to work with, and see how close we can get to a proper nutrient profile by including as wide a variety as possible.

Carbon and such simple sugars are the main fuel for the body, and amino acids are the building blocks.. if you need to build something you don't get something that's already built into something else (like a protein) if you're going to have to tear it down to build it into what you actually need, because that's just a lot of extra work..

The body is a constant process of tearing down and rebuilding, and you need the right nutrients to facilitate that process. Some sort of fasting or fast-like diet could optimise that process, but I stress the critical importance of sustainabe ways of eating rather than unnecessary short term protocols. I support short term protocols if people want them so long as they are low risk and likely beneficial.

and just as if a human working on a building had to take an existing building and break it all the way down and then build a new building out of it would have extra wear and tear on his body for having to do the extra work, the human body suffers extra wear and tear when it has to take complex protein structures and break them down just to get the building materials it needs ie amino acids to create its own new structures. it just doesn't make sense and it's not how we were designed to optimally function because that'd just be silly tearing down an intact building to create a new one when you could just get the building materials separately without all the extra insane hassle. Humans don't need that much protein anyways.

'Need' is about survival, in which case we'd only be talking abut getting enough calories before worrying about anything else, but we generally are talking about what people want, which means we have have to consider which person we are talking about. When we talk about protein we all need a base level of essential proteins from food, then, depending on the lifestyle of an individual, their protein requirements differ. If a person is weak and would benefit from getting stronger, they need resistance exercise with a high protein quota to facilitate muscle protein synthesis. Another person my want to run a marathon, so they won't need as much protein, but will need carbs to fuel their endurance, along with essential fats... A person doing a very physical job has different calorie and nutrient requirements to someone working at a desk... It just depends which individual we are talking about because different people have different optimal nutrient requirements.

but there's much more about it besides that which should become clear to you when you actually care enough to open your eyes and learn about it.. but how could you do that when your livelihood and income depend on you believing the stuff you already do? Obviously you are stand-up sincere caring guy. so if you knew the truth you couldn't continue lying to people or letting them believe what you once believes, if you could ever allow yourself to learn otherwise.. but you have too much invested in believing what you already believe, so it just makes me sad and wonder about your presence in this thread.. Are you not here to learn and expand?

I don't 'learn' from diet gurus with an internet presence. I stay up to date with the sports nutrition science because that's my game, and what I am saying is considerate of people. I don't tell people what to do, how they should eat, pretend that the homonid species are frugarian or use other fallacy to support a dietary agenda. My information is multi-dimensional because it applies to veganism, veg or omivorism. It is very flexible and can be applied to any individual's lifestyle, athletic goals or whatever the case might be. I think its irresponsible to promote frugarianism because it is so difficult to get adequate nutrition on highly restrictive diets; hence, the risk of harmful malnourishment is too high. Especially when the diet being promoted is conditional on expensive supplementation, which the advocate can supply you with at a considerable cost!
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