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Old 24-05-2019, 11:18 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Achieving your Goals vs Being Stagnant

For some months now I've been feeling stuck. I thought I'd found my path, then I didn't know anymore. It didn't feel like THE dream anymore.
This came at the same time my body decided it was time for pre-menopause and at first I thought it was just that. Now I'm beginning to see I needed this break, this seeming stagnancy. At first it irritated the hell out of me and I tried to force myself out of it, which of course didn't work.
Now, 6 months later, I see I needed this phase. I haven't been stagnant, I am growing and evolving like you wouldn't believe! It's a phase of absorbing things, meditating, learning, and so on. The downside is that my finances aren't doing so well, which is why I tried to get out of it. But that simply doesn't work as then I'm doing it with the wrong intentions: fear of lack.

In any case, when honest I must admit I actually enjoy this phase now! I'm busy daily with visualisations, I've read a number of great books that gave me so much more insight and wisdom and I really needed all that.
I also see now that what I'd started last year wasn't wrong, and not per say not my dream, but it was not THE dream, more part of it. And in a way I've known that all along, that something else would come from it. Something much bigger.
I think I've focused too much on 1 aspect, likely because that aspect was important to me, but what I really want/need to do is broader. And I'm beginning to feel that pull. The pull to do that.
I don't know the details yet, the hows and the whats. But I'm beginning to become more certain that that will come too.
I so hope -and expect- to find that one thing that totally lights my fire and for which I want to be 100% in. What I was doing did light my fire, but not to the point that I wanted to fully commit to it, go for it 100%. Meaning that deep down I knew it wasn't 'it'. Maybe part of 'it', but that I had to fine-tune it.

So finally, after 6 months, I'm beginning to see that I'm not really stuck. Problem is dealing with the outside world, like family, who likely does feel I'm stuck. But maybe that's just my own projection. I think so. I think they think I should get going. I feel I'm failing in their eyes. Hmm... interesting.

ANywho, I'm posting this as I read that currently more people feel stuck, don't have dreams, or not anymore, don't know what to do and where to go.
Maybe my story will help a bit.

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