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Old 22-05-2019, 06:06 PM
NoOne NoOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

In terms of transitioning from the ‘before’ to ‘after’ what is your sense of being? Also between 2012 up to now, how would you depict the vibrational shift within? It’s 6+ years now so perhaps you can make some sort of assessment without calibrating or measuring of course


There was certainly an energetic change that took place in me during this transitional period. Again, I have to refer to Gopi Krishna, who posits that after the initial rising of the Kundalini to the very top, it takes the body 5-7 years to properly adjust to the new, stronger flow of energy and the more potent form of prana that flows into the brain through the spinal column. It was certainly a very challenging period. I didn't work much and used up all my savings. I was confused and preoccupied for a number of years.

The body really has a hard time adjusting to this new reality, but it is physiologically and energetically transformed. When your Kundalini first awakens, you are helpless, like a newborn baby. This is why it is often called a spiritual rebirth, you really do become a new person. Also, I was exactly 33 when my Kundalini initially rose, which is pretty much the age it is supposed to happen at, according to scripture.

The Kundalini awakening was initially disruptive to my thought patterns, after a feeling of elation and joy, there were open periods of depression. Now I know that this is because the nervous system and brain is undergoing a transformation and it usually lacks the energy that it needs to do so. The metabolic rate of the body increases considerably and one must eat a small meal every 2-3 hours to keep feeding energy to the brain.

There are other consequences in terms of lifestyle, which means one must keep a very particular schedule and cannot afford too many distractions. A social life becomes next to impossible with all these changes that are needed for the organic evolution of the body into a higher form. After that transformation is largely complete, one can take certain liberties and return to a more active role in society, but great care needs to be taken not to overextend oneself and that the right nutritional and rest schedule is followed.
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