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Old 22-05-2019, 05:45 PM
NoOne NoOne is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
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Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

Excellent NoOne! We all wish to gain insights from your open hearted revelations shared and please do tell us the micro steps as cognised even though it means throwing back memory to 2012

The reason why I am on a narrative in my own experience is because I’m writing it extempore as we go along and also do urge others on SF ... there are several (!) to please assist others travelling along the path by sharing insights. There is no higher or lower ... we are all walking the same path and as we know, both space & time are illusions!


I suppose I could add a few titbits to what was written before. There is always a danger of resorting to clichés when it comes to the topic of spirituality and I have yet to find a way to avoid that. The famous Atheist, Christopher Hitchens made fun of that in quite an excellent way (God Bless him):

- What does the Buddhist say at the Hot-Dog stand?
- Make me One with Everything.


Ok, so a little more about Kundalini Awakening, from my own personal perspective. What is it actually?

I'd say it is Englightenment, though that itself is a process, often described as a ladder or stairway to heaven.

When my Kundalini broke through the top of the skull, there was a tearing sound and then both the sensation and sound of rushing water. However, this liquid wasn't ordinary matter, it was made of light and it flooded my brain and my whole body eventually.

I remember an overwhelming sensation of light, everywhere, blinding and white. I expanded outwards as this happened, felt boundless and omniscient. At the same time the sensation that flooded my body can only be described as infinite joy, infinite love and pleasure on a scale that was hitherto unimaginable.

In hindsight, I think that this infinite boundless state is a natural one, it is how we exist outside the material realm in what many would call heaven or Nirvana. The only thing comparable to it in ordinary human existence is sexual pleasure with a person you truly love, when you exist in a unitive state and the boundaries between the two of you disappear. That is however still an imperfect metaphor, because this state of Enlightenment (and I'm already struggling to find the right words to describe it, so apologies for that) is so much more powerful, spiritual and authentic. It is a bit like coming home, you realise that this is your true Self, this is how you really exist and your bodily consciousness is not only restrictive, but essentially fake.

That is real, This is not.

Also, in this Unitive, Enlightened state, you realise that you don't even know what happiness and joy is, you have never experienced it up to that point. Whatever we experience in our physical existence and call it happiness or joy is a pale shadow of the real thing. Quite frankly, after you experience the real deal, anything that is referred to as happiness or joy on this earth looks ashen and grey in comparison. This is why people who have experienced it lose all interest in the so-called pleasures of ordinary life.

But, and I realise this is a contradiction, the small pleasures that you do experience in life afterwards, take on a different sheen. You basically learn to slow down and enjoy the small pleasures in life to the fullest. A simple meal or the smile of a baby causes waves of unimaginable pleasure to spread all over your body, but it seems to be concentrated on the top of the head. You could say that everything you do causes a certain amount of pleasure and joy in you, even though before it barely registered.

Am I making any sense?

It is very hard to talk or write about these things because we lack the words to describe these experiences properly. I wish I could just show it to everyone, but that is much harder than you'd think. Unfortunately, people's own egos and particularly their materialistic programming stands in the way and those need to be overcome first, before a taste of true Enlightenment becomes possible.
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