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Old 21-05-2019, 10:14 AM
ThatMan ThatMan is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
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The messages I receive

So I decided to make here a post where I am going to write all the messages that I receive into my mind:

I am everywhere and everything is an expression of myself and yourself.Don't be afraid of life, everything that happens, happens because it was your choice to happen.

This message came from a voice that was not human but was very familiar to me.I received this message before an OBE.

Keep it in mind.

This is a message came from the same source, same experience, but this time I was in meditation.I was in some kind of transe and this is how I heard it.

It's natural to give humanity a chance.

This message came to me last night, I was in meditation, but this time, I asked someone to talk with me from the spiritual world.This time, it was the voice of a man and I could hear it clearly, it came to me while I was in this transe that comes over me when I receive a message.
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