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Old 07-05-2019, 07:09 PM
Jenw74 Jenw74 is offline
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Posts: 19
Dreams or OBE the last few days

I have been having vivid dreams the last few day since i bought my mums ashes in to my home on the 30th April my mum passed away April last year and we only got her ashes March 17th 2019.

I never remember the dreams i have but two dreams iv'e had i have remembered them clearly some people have said it could be OBE.

The first one i had 3-4 days ago i was in my front room where i meditate and to speak with my guides and loved ones i have asked my mum and loved ones to visit me in a dream and to show them self to me in any form as i felt ready.

The first dream I was in my front room during the night it was total darkness i found myself looking at a large orb in the shape of a adult figure moving in front of me.

I found myself watching as it moved slowly in front of me as it was watching me to.

I din't receive any message like you get when you have a visitation dream the feeling i felt was like it was normal to me no uneasy feeling at all.

The second dream i had was last night i dreamed of floating through a tunnel at the end was a large round tree with a waterfall below it the sky was bright with many colours.

I found myself looking down at the tree from above in the skyline when i seen this i was pulled back to where i started falling down in the tunnel where i came from.

I have never remembered my dreams so to remember these is a first for me.

I know i have visited places never been and seen my dad who is alive outside.

Is what i seen in both a dream or a OBE as i don't know as both times there has been a feeling of sinking
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