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Old 25-03-2019, 11:40 PM
blackraven blackraven is offline
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Originally Posted by Altair
If we look at the state the world is in, particularly concerning the environment and loss of life's diversity, I'm surprised how much indifference there seems to be towards this issue within spiritual communities. To me, a care and concern for the natural world has always been an important part of my sense of spirituality. I have always loved animals, forests, and wild places. But if said creatures and places are in decline, not because of a slow natural process, but due to humanity's destructive tendencies it is clear that the solution is also with those same humans. Yet we do not discuss this much. The question is why, and I will try to explore this..

Topics about house cats and one's favourite animal receive more views and posts than the declining state of wildlife on most places on the internet, be it forums, reddit, the number of times news articles are shared, or just the things people share and post on social media. It is of course good to focus on positive things in life, something I would emphasize, but at the same time it does not seem wise to ignore the problems in the world, because we all have the means and the intelligence to help make a better world. To imagine we only exist to merge with some god is not getting us anywhere if that means forgetting the very context that provides us with the means to get somewhere. This includes the gift of receiving a human body, which of course depends on this world's health...!! On this forum I have pointed out this selfish aspect that humans exhibit, yet the key to selfishness is to make sure it is reciprocal..!! That way you are justified in being selfish..

I believe that to improve our world we should always acknowledge problems and issues first, talk about it, and think about ways we can help each other and better our world. To not talk about it because ''It's not nice news'' helps no one, and that includes yourself. Eventually the loss of life and the declining state of our environment will hurt you too and everyone you love..

The question I raise is.. am I correct in assuming there's an innate fear in spiritual communities to talk about these things..?
There's much talk on ''non-separation'' yet the talk continues to be about the self, and even if this perpetuates all, it does not seem to result in a greater care for all-that-is.. but instead just a greater indifference..?

I see some examples here and there that give me a sense of relief that some do care... like Pope Francis in one of his encyclicals, or some religious sects acting more sustainably.. but overall I do not notice a great change, and yet spiritual communities should be well equipped however to do something about it, play their part. I mean.. beliefs in the earth goddess, all life being sacred, advocating more sustainable diets and lifestyles. The opportunities are there to create an alignment of beliefs and practices. Why then is there so little activity concerning these topics and so much indifference..? Why is it that the most concerned people and people that want to do something about it are more likely to be atheists...??

Altair - I agree with everything you said. I have recycled for years and years and it was just recently that I learned that most of recycled materials end up in landfills due to the cost of shipping and other logistics on towns and cities across countries. So I have decided to reduce my footprint by buying less food that comes in packaging.
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