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Old 16-03-2019, 06:23 AM
Uday_Advaita Uday_Advaita is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 139
Originally Posted by r6r6r
Uday_Advaita--Sages have always advised – be in the present, in this moment. Observe the constantly changing scenario happening in the NOW.
The best example of Non-duality in front of you is this very Moment.

Here is location in SPACE ( * )( * ) Observed Location

NOW is location in TIME >>* *>> Observed Time Event{ Phenomena }

Bilateral{ two } Observer { * i * } ego based access to metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts

Ergo inherently duality.

Mo-ment = brief period of Time, and not "instaaneous".

Mo-tion > Mo-tor > Mo-vement > Mojo Mo-mma >[/quote]

Hello r6r6r

I frankly admit I am unable to understand what you have been trying to convey. I am saying this with utmost sincerity and hence it took me more time to frame a reply to your post.

My understanding is:
We all are objects (Appearances) in apparent duality of SpaceTime (ST) & MassEnergy (ME). Purush & Prakruti respectively. The first duality of SpaceTime and MassEnergy seems to have appeared at the instant of Big Bang (If it ever took place – I do not subscribe to the Big Bang Theory)

Are ST and ME really forming a duality? Are they really separate? Are they mutually exclusive? Can they be observed separately?

In our apparent personal perception, the answer is Yes. We are talking about Maya – The life as we know.

Let us talk Physics:

Can ME ever be observed without ST? The answer is straight forward. No. Because MassEnergy (objects) - need SpaceTime for being extended to be observed.

Can SpaceTime exist without MassEnergy? Can you ever imagine SpaceTime existing without a single Photon or a Quark, a dark void at (-)273 degree Celcius or 0 degree Kelvin? The answer is again No. From the point of view of Quantum Mechanics – there would simply be no observer. Hence ST cannot exist without ME. Their apparent existence has to be simultaneous.

We all exist in duality and perceive apparent Duality, simply because that is the way we are. In fact, we are able to measure Space, Time, Mass and Energy separately.

The present “instant” is truly non-dual because you cannot be separate from it and observe it from a distance. This universal instant is absolutely and fundamentally transcendental to ST & ME. Everything is constantly appearing and disappearing (including the Observer) in that instant. The observer becomes the observed.

When this is apperceived – may be Awakening happens.

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