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Old 11-03-2019, 09:53 AM
Uday_Advaita Uday_Advaita is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 139
Disappearing Forms

Disappearing Forms:

Few days back I attended a Satsang. The speaker spoke about “Disappearing Forms”. The example quoted was that of a tree (a pretty old one) which had fallen due to thunderstorm. A tree which has been standing for decades and was observed daily by the people staying around and passerby would suddenly be NO MORE. It would not appear in the consciousness of observers.

It set me thinking and I suddenly remembered that we have been facing the menace of pigeons sitting on window grills and entering the rooms and dropping all over. For almost ten years we did not attend to it. We used to keep the windows closed and take all sorts of evasive measures. Finally, we put the bird net. Next day there was complete transformation. Windows open, No pigeons, No droppings, full breeze, no sounds. It was like a transfer scene. It hit me that this too was another way of “Disappearing Forms”
More often, we notice changes around us which seem to be of permanent nature. Like
Old structures being replaced by new buildings, passing away of near and dear ones. We are consciously aware of only major changes taking place - (Disappearing of World Trade Center Towers – 9/11).

On a day to day basis, we hardly notice discarding of old clothes and other utilities. All these minor forms (Life forms or Non-life forms) keep appearing and disappearing in your life without you being especially conscious of it

Come to think of it – Every moment brings something in to your consciousness and the very next moment it is replaced by something else. All kinds of forms appear and dis appear in terms of objects, thoughts, actions. You notice some of them, cling to some of them. Carry them in horizontal time without being truly conscious about it.

Sages have always advised – be in the present, in this moment. Observe the constantly changing scenario happening in the NOW. Be a witness to the forms appearing and disappearing every moment in your consciousness and act without involvement for whatever is necessarily to be done.

The best example of Non-duality in front of you is this very Moment. This instant. The world at this moment is in a unique state. It was different one instant before and it will be different one moment after. This is it. Truly Non-dual. Without a second. Be conscious and remain moored in it.

Easier said than Done.
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