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Old 24-02-2019, 09:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by JustBe
Another way of many ways. I’m done with others ways. I’m doing it my way. It took me thirty years to clear others and their way out of me. The new buzz words floating around in me is.. “be yourself”-I guess you are.�� Sometimes I wonder what self people are discovering and putting forward. I guess only they know.
Quite. I still haven't found out what "raising your vibration" is supposed to mean. As I don't vibrate I can't raise anything!

I’m reading a book at present called sychncro- destiny-Deepak Chopra. The infinite power of coincidence to create miracles. I picked it up recently, turned to a section out of curiosity and came across this. ‘In the vastness of the ocean there is no individual I clamouring for attention. There are waves and eddies and tides, but it is all in the end ocean. We are all patterns of non locality pretending to be people. In the end it is all spirit’
Oh dear.
I can't link the reference I'd like to here as it may be considered derogatory. Point is, though, how realistic is his analogy? He's created a marketing miracle for sure but.... Couldn't we all make the same claim about anything around us - the mug of coffee there before me waiting to be drunk, for instance - and would it be valid? Doesn't the structure of water deny individual molecules an assertion? But we aren't structured like water. We interact differently because we have just a tad more self-awareness than a molecule of water, surely? Our experiential "molecules" distinguish us separately.

Indeed, were the analogy valid there'd be no point in replying to your post because we'd be experientially identical.

It does raise the issue of a "social brain", though (something I've been reading about recently) which suggests that while there are connections - some (mysteriously) physiological - we communicate, hinting that we interact, we learn, we teach, we show sympathy and are shown it, we plan projects together; which in turn suggests our social, experiential and even physical structures make us as near unique as dammit. (Borne out chemically in our DNA.)

I agree about we're all spirit but I don't know if that helps us live this phase of our existences here. Almost every spiritual pulpit-basher has said the same thing. But that doesn't mean we're "pretending to be people". We're also all people. We're just as much people pretending to be spirit (where Nature has us as just another phenomenon in the ecological culture-dish). Shinto would have it that everything is spirit which doesn't mean a tree is pretending to be a tree.

A most interesting post, JustBe. Thank you....but perhaps I should drink that coffee then I might start making those coffee molecules are trying to persuade!

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