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Old 24-02-2019, 03:34 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
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Originally Posted by Quantum Light
I just wanted to share a video I created that shows you how to spin your own energy field with the Unified Field to move up dimensional octaves to raise your vibration and literally light your physical vessel up like a light bulb :)

It had a lot of great feedback from both the spirit world and the physical world so I figured I would share it here.

I go over alot of the physics of the Unified Field and how the term "Raising Your Vibration" isn't just a buzzword and how it is actually physics of the human mind body system.

Mainly for the fact that your body is like an electrical conduit that when energized can begin to perceive and function on higher energetic and dimensional levels. While still being grounded of course.

If you feel guided please check it out!!


Another way of many ways. I’m done with others ways. I’m doing it my way. It took me thirty years to clear others and their way out of me. The new buzz words floating around in me is.. “be yourself”-I guess you are.�� Sometimes I wonder what self people are discovering and putting forward. I guess only they know.

I’m reading a book at present called sychncro- destiny-Deepak Chopra. The infinite power of coincidence to create miracles. I picked it up recently, turned to a section out of curiosity and came across this. ‘In the vastness of the ocean there is no individual I clamouring for attention. There are waves and eddies and tides, but it is all in the end ocean. We are all patterns of non locality pretending to be people. In the end it is all spirit’

If it’s all spirit then churning up the energy field is a great way to recognise it. What occurs when you stop me wonders?one can only imagine, unless of course one knows?
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