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Old 15-02-2019, 07:27 PM
RadiantPearl RadiantPearl is offline
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 88
What are some ways things come back times 3?

Hi! I’m just now beginning my journey in Wicca and I have some questions about the 3 folds law. I have another question like this but this is just specifically for the 3 folds law. I must be misunderstanding something, so if I cast a good or bad spell it will come back three times and it what way? If I cast a spell to help a sick person will the energy manifest itself to help me in teturn? Or possibly not because messing with someone without their knowledge is bad. So if I get sick or something then the universe will assist me in getting better or would it assist me positively in another way? Does anyone have any personal experience with this and can give me some examples?

Thanks! :)
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