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Old 07-02-2019, 04:09 PM
taurus taurus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Geelong, Australia
Posts: 150
Oh, I understand what you're saying. I reckon your friend is right about it having something to do with your aura.

One theory:

Your aura may be picking up on these entities/people under stress that it does not feel are positive and is trying to signal to you through unease and hot ears, which could be part of a fight/flight response. Everyone feels fight/flight different in detail. Or you are taking their stress into your aura, which manifests as radiation energy.

Another theory:

You are probably a type of empath I suspect. And you may have an energetic opening near your ears, which allows peoples energy fields to enter, especially the ones that are under stress and you experience this as heat.
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