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Old 27-01-2019, 09:51 PM
Sapphirez Sapphirez is offline
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ohhh no I fear that involving technologies to promote female births would change the game of chickenhood and then we couldn't say there isn't cruelty involved.. unless you mean something like those Chinese gender day calendars or something simple and magical like that..

yeah Gem that is true sila is important for evolution and enlightenment. I guess that the issue lies in what the definition of that morality entails. for instance, If Buddhists or Vedicists do indeed treat their milking cows wonderfully and the cows just love being milked for extra milk after they have to feed their babies, well there is the matter of potential harm to the humans who are consuming the cows' milk.. because it is one of the most mucus forming and congestive food substances, to humans anyways since it's designed for cows.. so is that not cruelty to humans or themselves? Certainly apparently yogurt is an improvement over pure milk or cheeses etc., but still it is simply not a very healthful food when all is said and done, for humans that is.. And the issues that arise from consuming such an alien substance would also likely get in the way of ideal meditation practice, right?

but sorry I know that is not the point of your post or story.. I just want to read and enjoy the rest of what you wrote, but it's hard for me to ignore how they require muteness as to prevent harmful speech. Shouldn't they have faith in the peoples and their vows to be harmless? Isn't assuming the worse of them and thus restricting them a form of harming?

Nevermind that though, nah it doesn't seem unreasonable at all to expect people to be content with their selves and the simple offerings such as the veg meals. I know in modern society it would seem to be that way, but to us with a little more understanding (and you apparently with a lot more in such regards) it seems kind of awesome and normal, to just be left with your own self sans distractions and petty constraints of the world today. That's pretty cool you went through that. how long did you do it and how did you get into it?
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