Thread: How do you know
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Old 23-01-2019, 01:24 PM
taurus taurus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Geelong, Australia
Posts: 150
I believe if you increase your vibration you no longer match up to negative energies. If you must, create a white light, create it and then trust it, putting it up due to fear will actually attract what you don't want. When I first started to open up clairvoyantly I found calling on Archangel Michael very helpful too. He helped calm my fear to the point where it left as I became more comfortable and confident exploring and interacting with the spirit world. To me, he has this no-nonsense, confronting but kind and confident energy about him. And there are no demons just trickster entities that gain their power by feeding off of fear and negative emotions. And as Graduating Earth mentioned, your guardian angels and spirit guides can help you out too =] Have fun!
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