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Old 14-01-2019, 10:19 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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I think it's different in every case. Often we feel bad if we were the cause and then cannot relate to the crystal anymore because of that, then end up thinking it has lost its energy.
Also damage makes it look less appealing in most cases, which also can be an obstacle to relate to the crystal. Part of connecting is through looking at it, although maybe not for everyone, but to me it is.
Doesn't mean a crystal has lost its power and energy because of the damage, it depends on what it is and how it happened.

I let my larger rough green calcite fall on the ground the other day, and a few pieces came off, shattered. I wasn't too happy, but the crystal is still powerful, unharmed. I put the pieces around a plant pot to help the plant, as these pieces also have energy.
Sometimes it can be good to sit with a crystal and feel if it needs anything, maybe some attention. But I feel the green calcite is fine.
Chipped the edge of a wing from a beautiful angel. Not happy about that and I feel it every time I hold her. But the angel is still as powerful as before.
Another crystal -a Celtic chevron crystal- arrived broken in 2. I got another one, but I did glue the crystal back together. I feel it is okay, although different. Problem is me, me letting the knowledge of it having been broken bother me from connecting with the crystal.

I think in your case it's mostly the appearance of the rose quartzes that is bothering you rather than that they lost their energy & power.
I got a bunch of labradorite tumbles that didn't get chipped but don't look the part anymore. They have fissures and look cracked. I have no idea how that happened. They still have energy, but don't look appealing anymore so I leave them in a bowl. I wouldn't give them to anyone either, not because they have no energy, but because they don't look nice anymore.

Maybe you could clear your mind from the visual damage and feelings of guilt and sit with them to feel.
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