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Old 12-01-2019, 10:27 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Unless you have had a direct experience of that very thing...that
the entire Universe is within fact,
take a cell you could a cutting of a hologram bookmark ...the cell and the cutting hold
the entirety of the Universe or the bookmark within itself.

If one has not experienced that ...than it is just some cosmically, far-fetched bunch of philosophical words for someone.
"Huh? Holographic Universe? God is me? I am God? Huh?"
I cannot say that I have ever had that experience.

I have had the experience where I have become aware of a universal consciousness everywhere and in everything, shining through all existence with an amazing, animating Light.

I have had the experience of my individual consciousness merging fully into this until any/all notions of an "I" no longer existed to actually be aware of any such experience even happening!

Whatever there was of an "I", lost any and all association WITH a "universe" to be able to make any reference or any comment about that whatsoever.

So, there's no doubt others would have had that experience you described, but I'm not one of them...but I have never felt like it was anything I needed to experience anyway, because of what I already had (in hindsight, of course).
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