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Old 11-01-2007, 07:58 PM
Ascended Master
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by mattstar
im struggling to identify my guides at the moment (not for the want of trying!) - however, during my meditations i have seen a beared face appear before me on numerous occasions - indeed it happened last night he also gave me the words "have patience" before disappearing - which im thinking is my spirit guide trying to connect with me and showing me that having faith in what im doing will get me there eventually.

Yes, definately!

We learn some pretty unbelievable things on this path...

If we absorbed too much disbelief (at once) it would probably mess us up! lol

I feel we have to be introduced gently, because it does seem to take some adjustment. Physically as well as energetically!

Developming a light enough energy is the first step in my mind. Giving them what they need to work with you!

Love and light,