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Old 02-01-2019, 04:16 AM
Realm Ki Realm Ki is offline
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I believe all attempts at describing deity and spirit and soul are bound to fail - our 3D world, our concepts and words, our limited physical minds cannot cover it.

Looking at art and music, and the books and the wize AND going inside and outside to nature are ways to get a multidimensional idea of what divinity and existances is, an indirect sense of shape might form.

I believe we are one. All Existances is part of divinity. But the creation has is all/one is form, mass.

I also believe there are levels, degrees of separation if you will, from One/the Divine, God and each level have different forms in and out of 3D life.

Human individually perceived souls, who can continue to communicate with this realm, visit family and friends etc.
Greater soul 'masses' - 'angels' or 'god personalities' (like the 'quality' of Freja or Athena or any other) that manifest as individual souls in several different people simultaneously through time. This is the state where one can begin to graps the concept of life and death not being separate, not really. I am both here and elsewhere at other times - at the same time, I am me, and others, and part of a greater whole AT ONCE. Wicked! (in the best possible sense.

And beyond that a fluent state of divinity and creation, which would be 'heaven' or any other place of highest blissful serenity and light.

What happens after death - is happening now, we can experience all states at this very instance. There is no future to fear, there is only a now to treasure and embrace.

Is what I think :)
Love and Light - and Life!

And we turn our attention to the world, not away. We receive our learning from the songs it sings and the choir of One we're all in.

And while we walk gently, we generate love, healing, the most powerful energy of all, Life!

Soaking in life, we spread the light <3
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