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Old 01-01-2019, 04:19 AM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 4,090
Thanks Moon! Looking forward to changes and positive outcomes.

Reading for Moon:
6 of Wands
Them - 9 of Swords rev crossed by Hierophant

The minute I see the 6 of Wands, the Michelle Obama comment of "when they go low, we go HIGH" comes to mind. The impression being given here is that the other person has their own demons they are currently struggling with - doesn't justify what they're doing but an acknowledgement that you're the more emotionally mature one here. Continue acting with maturity and eventually, you're going to come out top in the long run.

Next reading for tealily
I have to move soon; is my next home likely to be in:

1) SY
2) P
3) SM
4) SK
5) W?
Please do not pm me with a reading request
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