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Old 26-12-2018, 10:11 PM
MChang MChang is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 99
Road map for the work

Back in 1997, I had begun to read a little about Taoism; I was just beginning. One morning I woke up and found a hand written document on my desk in my office at home. It was in my hand writing, but I did not remember writing it. I must of woken up in the night, gone into the office and written it, and gone back to bed.

All these years later, I realize it was the universe telling me what I was about to experience. In my research in Taoism, over the years, I think this is something the ancients would have called "spirit writing."


In the beginning we are born as one with the Source. Pure!

As we grow and experience life, we begin to become disconnected from the Source. This level of disconnection from the Source is relative to how impure our bodies become, how many fears we develop in this life, and the unfinished business we have from our past lives.

As we continue to age and we work to unravel the mysteries of the fears of our current life and the mysteries of the fears of our past lives, we begin to move back toward the Source. We never truly become disconnected from the Source, but we create so much interference that we no longer hear the messages being sent to us. As we begin to move back to the Source, we get a sense of reconnection, because we start to sense the messages again, in ever-increasing numbers.

Those of us who don't acknowledge and attempt to work through our "mysteries," don't experience this reconnection. In fact, many of us continue to move farther away from the Source. We never stay the same distance from the Source: we either move toward it or we move away from it. The choice is ours.

It is never too late to begin to move toward the Source. It is always there, waiting for us.

To begin movement back toward the Source, you must acknowledge your own position in the universe.

Now you must demonstrate a willingness to do the work to become "pure" again.
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