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Old 24-12-2018, 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow

I will explain this.

First you are to understand the mechanics of how energy between different dimensions, or states of consciousness work. For a being of perfect love and light, which resonates within the spectrum of consciousness that is far removed from dark negative energy, such a state will then determine what you are able to see and perceive from that state. If you are occupying a state of bliss, then you are not likely to observe negative forces or energies at your vibration. They will be invisible to you, just as you, within your own vibration will appear invisible to them. This is because the two energy variances are occupying a different wavelength which is not in tune with one another. It is this same principle which creates the illusion of separate dimensions in the spirit world, when really it is just one extensive spectrum.

Within this understanding, you can have better insight to see that your Doorkeeper often times cannot actually see everything that is going on round and about you. Much of it is left to you to convey to them from your own perspective from within the lower vibrations. If a situation arises which is cause for concern to your wellbeing, your Doorkeeper will alter their own vibrational attunement to be able to perceive other things going on at different vibrational frequencies. Or so it tends to be the case that they bring in specialists in that frequency work to assist you increase your wellbeing. So you have to realize, it may take some sense of time for your Doorkeeper to be able to identify the source of the problem within your energy field, especially if it is an attaching energy which has blended and camouflaged itself within your energy field. In such circumstances the energy or entity will try to attach itself to you behind the back of your neck close to the top of your spine. This is why you may, in these instances, feel a weight on your shoulders or back.

Often when it has become illuminated to your Doorkeeper or spirit guides that an energy or entity has attached itself to you, at this point it may already have created a very strong bond with the human being making it difficult to remove. Attachments such as these often work their way into your energy field via your emotional and mental vulnerabilities. For example, if you are an extremely negative person, or an extremely emotional or depressed individual, then you are leaving trails of this energy physically within your energy space, and within the space or habitat in which you live. This negative energy residue is what attracts energy attachments.
The attachment then will make charges of you, through its subtle attachment to you through your emotional and mental field, to invoke further spurts of unbalanced behaviour.

It is often difficult for your spirit team to remove these energy forms because of the human beings own attachment to the experience they are having. In a sense, they are themselves feeding from, and helping to feed the process through their own attitudes, belief systems and emotional ruts they place themselves in.
Your Doorkeeper will better facilitate your wellbeing and remove attachments once you yourself make the efforts to detach your own chemical, psychological and emotional ‘addiction’ to the energy being fed. -Sparrow

Hello Sparrow

What is attachment, and what is psychological? Can one tell, does it ultimately matter?
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