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Old 10-12-2018, 12:14 AM
Struggler Struggler is offline
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 37
Originally Posted by IChill
What people forget, they might look like aliens, but they are far from the truth of that | astral beings / shapeshifters .... this is why, we see them in sleep-paralyses | or when we are on the verge on the being half awake and half asleep, layin in bed. They can be seen shortly too in our mind's eye/visions) close to sleep... but know this, no matter what - at this side, they can easily take form after our fears. This is why in my experience - but yeah it happens for people in different ways, suddenly being in these encounters, like shadow people, hat man. And we shall never see it again :)

I agree 100%. They are astral entities. They reside in the astral plane. Normal people are able to perceive them in the liminal state between being awake and being asleep (the so called hypnopompic or hypnagogic state).
They indeed can shapeshift (everyone can shapeshift in the astral plane). They can read our minds as well, so they can take a form that they know will frighten you. They love coming out of closets for some reason (astral beings in general, I mean). And indeed, they can go through solid matter (everyone can do that in the astral).

Defend yourself from them in the same way you would defend from a spirit (with prayers, charms, amulets, mantras, wards, spells, etc).

Im pretty sure "alien abductions" have to do with the astral plane and astral entities. Maybe these entities have the capability to phase between the astral and the material world somehow temporarily.
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