Thread: Wake Up
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Old 08-12-2018, 01:51 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
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Originally Posted by DimancheMars
The following are the possible beliefs:
1) Earth and people on earth are upgrading to another dimension.
2) A new earth is coming and the old earth is collapsing.
3) A new world should be born in the middle of the chaos.
4) A new type of people are expected to be born in the middle of the chaos.
Which of these shall we believe? How shall we cope in any circumstances? The new circumstances compel changes and compel us to look inside ourselves. If we pay our attention to outer circumstances and changes, we will definitely feel vulnerable and fearful. What shall we do to cope in any circumstances?

I just broke my brain on another thread, but apparently I am renewed with a new cup of coffee! So, I guess you're asking for opinions? Options? Beliefs? Not quite sure what it is you are wanting, but I'll take a stab at it (from my perspective of what I'm learning).

1) Earth and people on earth are upgrading to another dimension.
Well, I've listened to a lot of Dolores Cannon, and listened to a lot of QHHT sessions on You Tube, and I have myself received a few channelings on this subject. Having said all that, I am still not convinced that what this is all talking about is a new physical Earth. I do think there maybe a new nonphysical Earth. That makes more sense to me. So, in the 5th dimension, I can live on this 3D Earth, but still participate at the 5th dimensional level. I believe we are waking up to our physic senses, and can perceive this 3D Earth in ways we never could before using these new 5D psychic tools we are being able to access. More of a spiritual awakening. And with these new senses comes the ability to travel to this new nonphysical earth without our bodies somehow...

2) A new earth is coming and the old earth is collapsing.
What comes to mind is be careful what you wish for. I don't believe the old earth is collapsing, and I think that this concept was born out of fear. There is a lot of fear out there that anyone can tap into, but I don't think it is helpful to perpetuate it. The spiritual awakening that we are a part of, that is around us now, is all about connecting to love and getting rid of all of these old fears we have. The world is not going to blow up. I do believe we all create our own reality, and we can connect to the Earth consciously each day. The only reason we are physical is because the Earth lets us live here. So in my day, I appreciate the Earth and connect to her, and love her, and I believe she knows that. I try my best to love nature each day and appreciate it. All she wants is acknowledgement of our appreciation. So if you take the time to appreciate her, she acknowledges that appreciation. She knows all of us, and allows us to live here. If you don't feed into the fear (the news media fear) about an occurrence that is happening, it can dissipate. It is just, if millions of people see the news and believe something is coming their way and they have no way of stopping it or changing it, then they better get out of the way. She does like to shake us up a bit and get us out of our houses and therefore closer back to her. A this is too big a subject LOL. Just love nature and the natural world and try as best you can to be a part of that every day, and magic happens. That's all I'm saying about that.

3) A new world should be born in the middle of the chaos.
These are all big subjects, aren't they? This really is a 2 part question. Chaos creates change, that is for sure. Usually the chaos is there to help us to change, shake us out of our comfort zones and look at life differently than before. It usually takes time to appreciate how much we have changed from the chaos that come into our lives. It is hard to get a bigger picture while we are in the middle of the chaos. Hopefully, with this new awakening and the new energies that are around us that we can all access now, we can change from Joy rather than from Fear, and so the chaos will be more - not so chaotic, become less and less fear and more and more Joy. Creating our lives from Joy is the switch we are all looking for. Using that switch in our lives is the key. Having the key and using it are 2 different things LOL. When we use this key and decide to create from joy instead of from fear, yes, I do believe we are then living in a new world we created for ourselves.

4) A new type of people are expected to be born in the middle of the chaos.
Still not liking how these questions are phrased - they are more fear based, because chaos brings to mind "terrible", which is definately a fear vibration. Raise your vibration out of fear, and then the question becomes, are a new type of people being born? I absolutely believe so. So there are 2 parts to this answer:

Part 1: As each generation is born, they come into this world with the gifts from the generation that was before them and all of the generations before that. So, say you are 25, and your parents were hippies that wanted a cleaner earth, wanted to be closer to the earth but saw all of the negative things that were changing the earth, and they wanted a better way to be alive on this planet, a more loving way to live on this planet, a cleaner more appreciative way to live on this planet, and they fought for that. And then you were born, and when you were born, that gift was given to you, the culmination of all of their dreams became born into you (you got the gift of what they were wanting) and now you are 25, and living in a more aware generation of how we can be on this earth and take better care of the earth and be more connected to the earth and love the earth, etc, and you have a child. That child gets the benefit of all that you have wanted, and is born with those benefits.

Part II. The children being born into this world now are cable-ready (as Abraham put it). They have the knowledge of their parents gifted to them at birth. They know how to use this technology that is upon this earth, and they are already plugged into it. They know how to use their psychic senses, because the generations before them access that. They are cable-ready and psychic. They are connected in a way we have a hard time believing. But it is because of their parents and grandparents wanting that came before them, that they get the benefit of that wanting and just are what their parents were wanting. It is now for the parent to be taught by the children, and that has always been true throughout history. It is just, will the parent allow themselves to be taught by their children? That is always a question for the parent. It is so much fun to be taught by your children and grandchildren. It is just simply amazing and difficult to put into words.

Now I need more coffee...
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