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Old 19-11-2018, 11:50 PM
IChill IChill is offline
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What people forget, they might look like aliens, but they are far from the truth of that | astral beings / shapeshifters .... this is why, we see them in sleep-paralyses | or when we are on the verge on the being half awake and half asleep, layin in bed. They can be seen shortly too in our mind's eye/visions) close to sleep... but know this, no matter what - at this side, they can easily take form after our fears. This is why in my experience - but yeah it happens for people in different ways, suddenly being in these encounters, like shadow people, hat man. And we shall never see it again :)
“Far away, hidden from the eyes of daylight, there are watchers in the skies.” — Euripides, The Bacchae (406 BC) A true understanding/Esoteric Knowledge. shh
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