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Old 14-11-2018, 04:47 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by kuurt
I don't agree with that. If you had someone standing next to you trying to get your attention all day long it will get to you no matter who you are. It's extremely stressful.

I do kind of see it that way too. If they say something to embarrass me or make me feel ashamed, I let go of that feeling immediately. I don't let them make me feel that way. Anytime I'm feeling a negative feeling like fear or guilt about something, I try to let it go as quickly as possible because I think they feed off of low vibrational emotions.

I don't know, once they turned mean and tormenting, I started ignoring everything they say. Also they lie and I realized that I couldn't believe anything they say anyway. I've been ignoring them for well over a year now. You would think they'd leave because of it but they don't. I'm currently taking medication which does somehow help me tune them out. Now i just hear them once in a while. Their voices are faint and muffled sounding and I usually can't tell what they're saying. Although every once in a while I can hear them say something clearly. I just ignore them, I don't ever talk to them. As mean as they are they don't deserve my attention. I have gone through periods where I could hear them loud and clear and at times even telepathically. But most of the time it seems to be auditory. I think it depends on how turned up my clairaudience is. Every time I try to get off my medication, once it's fully out of my system, they won't leave me alone. It drives me nuts. It's like having a little kid grabbing at your arm and saying "hey hey hey" over and over all day long. It also seems like I can sense them more. It drives me nuts until I eventually have to get back on the medication.
This is a very familiar story.

I was doing EVP sessions for about a year, using a P-SB7 spirit box and a digital recorder. The answers the "spirits" would give, were intelligent, but highly evasive. I could never seem to get a straight answer from them in regards to any question that I asked...I also suffer with social anxiety and we are more likely to "talk to ghosts" to make up for the lack of any ability to talk to people however, the responses are shrouded in so much ambiguity with the occasional gem of wisdom that trying to find a willing spirit who will cooperate, is a mug's game.

After a while, I gave up recording them as well because I really didn't consider them to be "ghosts" and if they lie about everything, they could just as easily be lying about being my "dead grandma" who could not even tell me her pet name for me, the street she lived grandfather's name etc..

I still don't know what these beings are, apart from being "Inter dimensional entities" and I feel they have an agenda to observe, but not get involved...So why respond to us in the first place if they are not going to be honest and have no intention of "making contact" with us as another intelligent species inhabiting some area of the EMF spectrum we don't know about?

Yeah, so I stopped recording them about a year ago...I gave them a month to come clean and get honest with me or else I would stop...they did not, so I kept true to my word.

Occasionally I will still hear them without the devices...with my own ears, but I adopt the attitude of "you are all full of bulls*** and I am totally not interested in ANYTHING you all have to say to had your totally blew it, so go and bother someone else who gives a damn".

They leave me alone for the most part now, because there's a difference between ignoring them and totally switching off to it.
I am the creator of my own reality, so please don't get offended if I refuse to allow you to be the creator of it instead of focusing on creating your own. Thanks.
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