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Old 13-11-2018, 11:57 PM
BlakeGood88 BlakeGood88 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 145
Why does mankind refuse to change for the better?

I swear, it's getting worse, every day. If we don't change for the better, any sooner, then we might end up like the dinosaurs or worse, in an "H.G. Wells Time Machine" type future where mankind is divided into two races; the Eloi and the Morlocks. I'm not making this up, either. I am being dead serious! There is so much hate in our world and vile people who do cruel things and it's not improving for the better. First of all, it seems that mass shootings are now an everyday thing. Then you have people on the internet refusing to be nice and they ALWAYS get away with it and that's just wrong! Nothing is being a addressed with bullying and the congress seems to careless. I really hate to see where mankind will be, in the next 100 years. I don't even want to imagine. Be optimistic all you like, but I bring up a good point.

Last edited by BlakeGood88 : 14-11-2018 at 04:21 AM.
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