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Old 08-11-2018, 10:45 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by inavalan
One might want lots of money to share with people and causes one cares about.
Indeed, one might.

However,I couldn't quite relate your response to what I said. Never mind!

Generalizations can lead us in error.
They might just. That's why one puts in caveats like "so often directed at material abundance which to me is spiritually negative.", which means "other cases are possible", along with an indication that it's an opinion.

Generalisations tend to be valid in general which doesn't mean every case (please note I said "tend"). It's a big subject. For instance, I'm forced to give my money away to people who claim to need it, through systems called tax and welfare. Short of writing an essay to cover every contingency, a qualified generalisation will have to do for now!
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