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Old 06-11-2018, 12:25 PM
LadyMay LadyMay is offline
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Originally Posted by M.Tesla
Here! Me. Pleidian, but not Merlin

I'm still learning as I go since I learn from experience. I feel them sort of "calling to me" as if I either had a past life there or will have a future life, or it's a parallel life. I'm leaning towards it being a parallel life, as I sometimes hear this androgynous voice while meditating with binaural beats playing in my headphones. I think it has something to do with a soulmate I met, as that voice didn't appear until I met her and we discussed feeling like we belong "out there" the voice I feel comes from a female, but it's like it *sounds* Male and female at the same time.

One time, while binaural beats were playing, it asked me, "who is rose?" This was right after I had a conversation about Rose with said soulmate. Then the other times, it wasn't English I was hearing, but it was the exact same voice and vibe to the voice.

They're not all bad, maybe try putting out the intention to be connected to the nicer ones that operate from unconditional love. I remember one time too, I was meditating, and I felt a group of being from another dimension, meditating at the same time! They had such a lovely unconditional love feeling. They must've been meditating on helping humans or something, as I only felt peace while they were connecting to me as well as a loving feeling

It was interesting. Thanks for letting me share and making this topic,you helped me realize something.

Very interesting thank you for replying, and nice to meet another Pleiadian

I don't like to think that I may be 'different' but it does seem I have some connection to the Pleiades, what that is specifically I can't say... Last night I connected in meditation with Maia to learn more, and she was really nice. She didn't say either way I am Pleiadian or not, but she was just welcoming me to the exploration of Pleiadian energy.

That is a very beautiful experience, thank you for sharing. I hope to connect only to the nicer ones nowadays!
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