Thread: Ascension
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Old 04-11-2018, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Good morning Mr G,

Another mixed week of weather but I am embracing every beam of sunshine when it shines.
Good morning Patrycia

Even in the worst of weathers there is always sunshine in my heart, and above the clouds the sun is never obscured. It's an opportunity to practice my indomitable Spirit.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Oooh, that sounds interesting, what do you have? I have a Samsung laptop running Windows 7. I like Windows 7 and feel no rush to upgrade, we’ll have to see what I do when support ends for 7 in about 2020.

I’ve rebuilt my laptop from scratch, twice after picking up a virus. I now do monthly system images as it’s a pain to put all the software and settings back on, it takes days (in-between work). Picked up a problem about the third of the way through my last rebuild and after many weeks of reading, testing, creating, pinned it down to a corrupted download of IE. I have to say, although it was tiring, I really enjoyed trying different things, My knowledge increased substantially, taking copious notes, just in case I needed to do it again.
I have a bag of bits and bobs. I was thinking about upgrading anyway because the one I had was around six years old, ancient in today's technology. My brother's a complete speed freak when it comes to PCs and he had a few bits and pieces going spare, he got a hold of a pre-production motherboard so it's tech that isn't even on the market as yet. I have his old Intel I7, which has enough oomph for me, 16Gb of RAM and a 2TB hard drive Did that make me sound geeky??? It cost me the price of the hard drive and the powerpack, so that's a bargain. I've got Windows 7 too, I wasn't that keen on 10 to be honest. It took me less than a day to build it and get it up and running.

I have a 1TB external hard drive and anything I need to transfer over to another computer is simply copied onto there. Bookmarks are exported and the rest is a straight copy so it's a lot less palaver. I like simple and easy.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I wouldn’t expect anything else, quite used to doing my own thing, which seems to always go against the grain of what everybody else’s thing is.
That's one of the signs of being an Old Soul, doing your own thing regardless.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Gosh, yes that’s so true. Apart from my friend who I would like to express how it is, but can’t quite manage it.
It's in that space where it becomes really interesting. There are times when I've not needed to express anything, the other person just knows because they've been there. It's the look that Sam and Frodo have between them when they arrive back in Rivendell. It sets people apart yet creates another layer of understanding.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Do you mean the Egyptian life? Gold wouldn’t have been around me so much because I was kept in the background purposely. The medium I saw told me I was gifted at predicting and they were afraid of me so they kept me in the background and tried several times to kill me by sending me off on these long and dangerous journeys on my own, hoping I’d meet my end on the way! Lovely, eh? That’s why I have a fear of travelling long distances on my own.
I mean in the Life before time, the one that you haven't connected with as yet. You have never been on your own, even when you were totally alone.

I still haven't found a way to connect you to 'that Life, the one from before time and in a way it's so damned frustrating lol. Yeah I know, it'll happen when it's ready if ever.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
The collective sub-conscious – is that the same as Matt’s collective un-conscious?

I had a real tangible experience of the collective unconscious back in the summer. I started to wonder whether it was time to change my car and started looking at specific models. Saw a couple I liked but they were too far away for me to go and look at and I got ridiculously stressed over ‘right car / wrong place’. I test drove two local cars but each time I just didn’t feel the excitement that I know would be there for me when buying a new car. I got quite stressed over weeks with this should I, shouldn’t I – yet every time I saw the ‘perfect’ car ie. mileage, price, colour etc, it just wasn’t happening. Eventually this intensity of having to get a new car gradually faded and I made the decision to keep my existing one. And then, I kid you not, both next door neighbours and the neighbour over the road all got new cars within a week of each other! I reckon I was picking up on the energy / thought patterns from around me. Fascinating eh?
Yep, I'm not familiar with Matt's definition but it sounds like the same thing. And by the sound of it you certainly tapped into the energies created by people wanting to change their cars. I dare say your neighbours thought about making the changes for as long as you did, and so generated that sub-consciousness that you subsequently tapped into.

Things come to us when we're ready, to use the old adage it's the bit about the half-full glass - an empty glass is full of unrealised potential. When your consciousness was focussed on not having - which is essentially what you were telling yourself - then your vibrations changed to something more compatible with allowing something else top come into your reality. Realising you could tap into the collective sub/unconsciousness couldn't happen at the vibrations of not having. But I have to admit, it's a cool feeling just the same, that you have that capability.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
That’s so funny, if I’m ever upset or unsettled, I like to clean, clean, clean!
Yep, it's kinda bonkers but there you go anyway.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I’ve been thinking about that. ‘Healing crisis’ – it’s almost an oxymoron. But definitely belongs in the old spiritual paradigm. I heard Matt describing someone’s similar experience recently and called it cellular purging. I like that much better, more accurate and also more than likely the truth.
'Cellular purging' would work too, pretty much anything that has a more productive feel to it would work. Doing the clean, clean, clean is also cellular purging in that it can flush the system out but the envisioning of a toilet may not work for some.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Really, the first explanation of how it works was enough. When it started to go on about labelling something with ‘x’ and formulas, that’s it! I was just pleased that the first bit made sense to me. I had a look at the spiral, not sure how that would help me. How far I’ve come is relative to the starting point and end point, neither of which can be quantified.
In this there is nothing external to you, and everything is absolutely relative. Even the word 'absolute' is relative to the word 'relative'. Ain't that a doozy? Sacred Geometry makes more sense to the thinking mind and it's used as an envisioning tool, nothing more. No, the Universe doesn't have structure but the mind needs the image of structure. You have a sphere of consciousness, the centre of which is your being. That can be represented by a single point of a circle whose radius encompasses all that you are conscious of. This thread is the context in which you and your sphere of consciousness and me in mine come together. This is where the understanding of how the Vesica Pisces and the overlapping spheres of consciousness comes into play. If I had never replied to this thread perhaps you would never have met Matt. I'm not taking credit for that but using it as an illustration. I'm not sure how you could quantify meeting Matt but it happened anyway in the 'eye' where our two circles overlap.

The labelling comes from what Tolle said is object consciousness, or consciousness of the brain/mind combination. Sacred geometry comes from what Tolle described as Space consciousness, the consciousness that simply knows. Where Sacred Geometry and all symbolism is that the symbolism is a 'translation' of the space consciousness that can be understood by the mind. That is the difference that makes the difference. You are experiencing space consciousness - your neighbours buying new cars - but you are still using object consciousness to try and understand it. Forget trying to understand the geometry itself, look behind the geometry/symbolism and find where the knowing comes from.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Yes, I get why you would feel that. I don’t know if it’s the onset of autumn/winter, which I always feel very keenly, but I’ve been a bit wobbly the last few weeks, experiencing some very low days. My dreams have also been very detailed from ex-partners, blocked drains to not being able to remember where I’d parked my car and endlessly looking for it trying to trace my steps, painting the castors of chairs a different colour so as to differentiate them.

It has been a very strange feeling, very difficult to describe apart from feeling very low with a hollow, empty type feeling. I woke up two nights ago in the middle of the night and had this feeling that something was majorly wrong to be feeling this way and nothing like my usual self. This feeling of hollowness and lowness, like a heavy energy, I could feel all through my body and particularly in the Solar area. I asked my guides and spirit to help me and I immediately saw a gold cross. When I woke up in the morning everything felt free and easy again and the hollow heavy feeling has gone from my body. The feeling has not returned. Looking through my journal this had been going on for two weeks. I have no idea what it was but the experience was very real, possibly some integration from the extreme Ascension symptoms of the summer or possibly the Reiki, I am just thankful it has gone.
At this time of year many people have a psychological disorder called Seasonal Adjustment Disorder. It actually comes fro the collective subconsciousness, would you believe 'Back in the day' the onset of autumn and subsequently winter badly affected our distant ancestors. To them winter was Life or death, very literally. To this day, even with cars, ventral heating and supermarkets we're still affected by it in our own ways. It's coming up for Christmas so that means carry on, road rage in the carparks and who's going to pay the bills? grumpy kids, dark nights and snotty noses. All really good things to be looking forwards to.

Your dreams are your subconscious mind trying to communicate with you, but your subconsciousness can only use the surreal and symbolisms to communicate. You can learn things from your ex-partners, more of then than not they were their for just that reason. The drains are blocked because your mind is blocked and you still need to flush your old paradigms that no longer serve you. Not being able to find your car is not being able to find something that will move you forwards, retracing your steps is retrospection and painting the castors is differentiating aspects of your consciousness.

What isn't realised is that people's energies don't change in nice graduations but in quantum leaps. There's is no sliding scale between this level and the next, there's just a flick of a switch from 'here' to 'there'. Often the changes are so subtle they're hardly noticed, then Ascension comes along and kicks you upside your head. Remember you talking about Matt saying that the consciousness knows you're already healed but the heavier, more dense energy and physicality needs a little more time? Same here. You consciousness has already adjusted to the leap but your denser self not to much, so your consciousness perceives the gap between what your energies are to match the frequency it's on with the frequency your energies are actually vibrating at. Your consciousness is a little 'ahead' of your actual energies, so it is actually very real. This translates to you as feeling hollow (full of as yet unrealised potential) and lowness as in your energies needing the time to 'catch up' with your consciousness.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
The conversation went well until I started talking about my trauma. I know why I dreamt it, because I’ve thought many, many times if I ever I got to speak to him I’d want to tell him about it, with some specific questions and see where he’d go with it.
If you imagine how that conversation would go?

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I shall try that; won’t have too long to wait neither because I’m seeing her in a few weeks.
You are 'infectious', we all are - carbon-based and emitting electrical signals that are transmitted/received. Vesica Pisces 'spheres of consciousness' interacting.... Your voice is en expression of your vibrations and your intentions are important, so the question is what are you actually trying to communicate? Are you trying to get her to understand or are you trying to raise her vibrations first so she'll resonate more harmoniously?

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I’ve said that a couple of times to her that she is like I was a year ago, asking the same questions. That is why I tried to explain it to her a time or two but you can’t relay a year of study in a brief conversation. She is interested in what I say and she says it’s all fascinating but for me, there’s a difference between being interested in something and throwing yourself in 100% but then that is very much my style. I also think it’s possibly about the timing as she has much on at the moment, funnily enough the same care of elderly parents I had many years ago, so I think timing is crucial and if I tell her about it, then she has it to remember and maybe one day she’ll feel ready for it and want to spend the time to understand his language and phraseology. But then also, everyone is on their own path and it may not be for her.
There's such a deep understanding here that you haven't realised as yet. She's the reason you're retracing your steps to find your car keys - 'keys' being the operative word. If you had gone back in time, sat down with yourself and said "OK kiddo, pin your ears back. There's this guy called Matt Khan and...."?????

In the context of whatever she has going on in her Life being interested is perhaps the best she can hope for. Perhaps it's just not a priority for her, and perhaps you could look back on your own Journey and come to realisations in the dichotomy between you and her. You see, there's always something behind the mask. You talking to her at all and showing her some patience may well have more of an affect on her than understanding anything Matt says. It might be that she's finding it difficult to process, it happens with some people. She might not have the basis upon which you've built your understandings - there are numerous barriers and when you begin to understand those things you can start making some headway. But you see, perhaps you've missed the most important thing of all. You're spending time with her, you're showing her the patience without - hopefully - bopping her one on the nose for being so damned frustrating. That's something that you can't buy.

You've found some common ground with the parents bit, that's a good place to put your feet with her. It's all about layers of relationships in the end.

[quote=Patrycia-Rose]I guess it depends on how far her dementia has gone. If she missed your regular visits and was aware that you weren’t going, then yes some explanation may be necessary. But if she wasn’t aware that you weren’t going to visit her, that’s different, there would be no benefit to her knowing. She probably wouldn’t retain the information and would have an overall feeling of being distressed without knowing why. The fact that she’s psychic and hasn’t picked up on it, could be because she’s not being given that information by spirit. The reason she hasn’t sensed it could well be a protective factor for her (and for you). ]/quote]At the moment I don't know but my gut instinct says that it's not my time as yet and she'll be there waiting for me. Besides, I have a promise to keep with a little girl that I'm damned if I'm going to break. I find it hard to deal with ifs and buts so at this stage in the game there's no point in going too far down the speculation route. Things like this tend to have an affect on the jolly old perspective, and dealing with what is keeps me at least some kind of level-headed.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I totally get all that, it’s kind of like time becomes focused, priorities come to the fore. The medical marijuana sounds interesting and is what I would be researching, I believe you can get this prescribed now, I think the law’s changed only recently. I did have a look some months ago on one of my Saturday morning excursions and I found a forum solely for people who were taking it for medical reasons; all swapping experiences, it was very interesting and I made a mental note of it.

There's an advert on the tv currently, using the soundtrack to Solsbury Hill. Made me chuckle, was going to revisit the lyrics to see if I felt any differently about them.

In a curious twist in the tale the CT results came back. They're not sure what it actually is so they're going to schedule a biopsy to find out what's really going on. Apparently it's not attached to any major organs after all so at least no part of my gubbins isn't going to be affected. So, it might well be an alien of unknown origin and I'll know I'm in trouble when Sigourney Weaver appears. They don't know how they're going to progress for the time being, they might just cut it out or it might be radio/chemotherapy. I've been talking to my brother about it because he knows a lot of this medical marijuana and CBD oil stuff, and what he's saying for now is that I need more info before even thinking about it otherwise it can have detrimental effects.

What's going through my mind is the heep's Beautiful Dream from Return to Fantasy, because in many was right now it is a beautiful dream. Nobody knows my name because there are no names to know.
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