Thread: Trials
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Old 25-10-2018, 06:52 AM
Debrah Debrah is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 386
Originally Posted by Azu
Trials is a brief account of my journeys in trying to be vegetarian. Such journeys took place thrice in a personal lifetime without much success.

In each trial, I attempted to abstain from eating meat for nearly a month. With each trial, as the weeks ensued, I felt increasingly weaker and somewhat malnourished until I decided to quit vegetarianism.

In philosophy, Trials was my spiritual attempt to advocate against animal cruelty that has been historically and to date done in the form of butchering animals alive. Alongside, it is that I'm pro animal welfare.

However, an integral part of human survival, evolution and living is the ability to eat meat, including such nutrients as iron and protein. I would be reluctant to use protein pills from pharmaceutical shops for they are costly and the possibility that they could be clandestinely mixed with drugs and harmful chemicals.

Trials has been not only my spiritual attempts with such failures - they constitute my lifelong experiences in which I come to evaluate my choices and their outcomes, both imagined and actual.

Reading about your experience, I can only think that whatever discomfort you felt was more than likely a case of not getting enough calories. Too many people just drop the meat and don't replace it with more food. What did you eat in that month (done 3x)? Perhaps I can help you figure out where the weakness in your plan was so that if you should decide to try it again, you'd be more successful. I haven't touched meat in 25 years and I gave up dairy and eggs 11 years ago. So maybe I'd have a suggestion that could help if you were interested.
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