Thread: Trials
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Old 25-10-2018, 06:10 AM
Debrah Debrah is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 386
Originally Posted by Lucky 1
Unfortunately your "vegetarian trial" ran smack into the scientific fact that the human species is an omnivore and made to eat a bit of is simply who we are.

Your experience sounds like most peoples experience with attempted vegetarianism......including mine .....they just don't feel good.....they feel weak....they lose weight....etc.

My experience is that only a limited number of the population does ok with vegetarianism and even a smaller number with outright veganism.

I disagree on pretty much everything you said. We aren't omnivores. If we were, meat and dairy wouldn't have such negative effects on our bodies. Within two hours of eating it, inflammation begins to set in. It subsides over the next few hours, but then you eat more meat and it starts all over.

What's more, people suffering from heart disease or some cancers or numerous other killer diseases, see their symptoms reversed and they return to good health when they quit eating animal products. That would be why Texas Midland Memorial Hospital began actively encouraging patients to chose the vegan options on the menu. They also now give classes to staff, patients and whomever wants to learn, on how to incorporate a vegan diet into their lifestyle.

When people feel like the OP was saying, it's more likely a lack of sufficient calories. An assortment of fruits, veggies, legumes and nuts will give you all the nutrients you need, including protein and with one exception, B12. But that is a matter of 3 tablets a week.

There are numerous pro athletes who are now choosing a vegan diet. They find that their recovery is greatly improved after strenuous workouts, they feel stronger and healthier. In fact, Kendrick Farris, America's strongest weightlifter and whom represented the USA in the Olympics in 2016, has been following a vegan diet for years.

And in the ten years that I've been vegan, the numbers in Canada have grown from less than 1% to about 10% according to a Dalhousie University study done recently. Israel claims 13% as vegan these days and in 2016, the turnout for an animal rights march was 30,000 in Tel Aviv. Australian vegans have mobilized public sentiment to cause their government to shut their live transport market down for at least the summer months, by virtue of arousing people to the cruelty of it. And that will expand until live transport is shut down permanently. This is a social justice movement that is growing around the world.

This video will explain why I don't believe we are omnivores.
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