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Old 19-10-2018, 05:25 PM
Altair Altair is offline
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Originally Posted by Helix6
So I heard myself Devil beings hacking my phone and trying to make me afraid which now makes me laugh.
Of course for you I can understand you think this is only a belief because you didnt experiment it yourself. But I can tell you its a 100% true reality.
I don't think anyone would doubt you had an experience.. but how can you know it was what you think it was..?

For the record.. I do believe such creatures exist. If people can spiritually evolve through selflessness and 'light' stuff they can also go the other route and use spiritual energy to fulfil ego's desires (i.e. 'black magic'..satanism). Lost ghosts are also no joke. Hellish creatures and realms are described in every major religion and many ancient mythologies.. so I don't see any reason to suggest that would all be rubbish and only angels and guardian spirits are real outside of life in our world..

As for your predictions.. we have to wait and see.. I've read too much about such things myself over the years. 21-12-2012 was popularized by many spiritually minded people and to be fair that and all the predictions have been a huge embarrassment. And it wasn't the first one, nor will it be the last. Our culture is obsessed with these things thanks to the inclusion of Revelations into the bible..

This century will certainly bring a lot of turmoil.. with all the environmental destruction, resource depletion, and increasing populations and mass migrations going on. But consider me a sceptic whether any of it is driven by some cosmic force or pushed forward so some divine agenda can unfold afterwards..
~ verus nullus, omnis licitus
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