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Old 16-10-2018, 10:48 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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There are certain circumstances where I DO think very bad things not under my control.

For example;

I have been staying with my mother and my brother's family for over a week now and during that time, I have been very busy cleaning, cooking, taking them wherever they need to go, arranging appointments and doing a lot of selfless seva.

Today, I woke up and had really bad stomach cramps...doubled over in pain I am...tried taking help.

So, there are a few dishes in the sink...but I decided to just have a break for today and do them tonight/tomorrow or when this pain lets up..

My mother comes out of her room and bed (where she has been recovering from a hernia operation) and starts criticising me for my 'laziness'...I worked my a$$ off for 9 days...12 hour days non-stop and one day I come down with a stomach virus and that makes me "lazy"?

So, to "show me up", she starts washing the dishes HERSELF with one functioning hand going "I have stomach pain TOO...but look at ME...I can do it! and if I can do it, YOU can too!"...but she has been in bed the past 9 days moaning constantly in pain and I have been serving her.

So I had a thought..."I hope you just hurry up and effing die, you old cow".
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