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Old 16-10-2018, 10:10 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by captainamerica
Shivani Devi ji,
Can you please check out these webpages and book when you have some time to spare and let me know if it is effective or of any use ?

My taste in music is not that good ,but some times I imagine myself singing this not-so-good song for Krishna ji.
I will get to them in turn, just read the first one for now...

I mean, it started off cool...I especially liked this part:

God planted a seed inside of you a long time ago and you can feel this seed awakening as you read these words. When you were a child there was probably a moment when God spoke to you and you knew it was God. You felt God's call, but you didn't know what to do. You have always known you were going to do something important, but you didn't know what it was. Now you will find out God's plan for your life.
Growing up you tried to communicate with God, but you kept missing something. You learned how to pray and ask God for things, but you didn't know how to listen for God's voice. God is speaking to you now in a tender thought process inside of your mind.
Yes, I really love that part and the whole premise of the blog.

However, I became IMMEDIATELY turned off by the very next line:

You can stop reading if you want to. That’s what evil wants you to do. Evil doesn’t want you to get close to God. Evil wants you isolated from everybody. Evil wants you to think that there is no God, or if there is a God, God is mad at you. But if God were mad at you, you wouldn’t be feeling excited to read on.

I mean, I had just started getting into it, really getting into it, when they started with the whole polarisation again "good vs evil" and "God vs Satan"...why can't Christians just discuss a subject on its OWN merits, without saying "if you agree with this, you are a GOOD person and if you don't, you are a BAD/EVIL person?" I stopped reading.

Did Satan make me stop? not really...not unless Satan was the one who wrote the blog.

It is a nice message anyway and a timely reminder for me.

Funny thing is, if I told a Christian that "God speaks to me...His name is Shiva" a Christian would say "well, the one who speaks to me is called whatever is speaking to YOU, isn't God, it is Satan."

Yes, another would say this to me, but I would not DARE criticise ANY God...because God is one...criticising human behaviour that is not "of God" is a different matter entirely, but in the end, who am I to judge it?
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