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Old 16-10-2018, 09:55 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by Waverider
Shivani ji, for a experienced practitioner like you When you are awake how long can you go without a thought?
It really depends on what I have to do that day and it is not really possible to go without a single thought for an extended time.

Really though, the thoughts all just slow right down and your brain goes into a holding pattern on autopilot.

Today, I have to go out for lunch with the at 8am it's 'what am I gonna wear?...this will do' at 10am, it's going to be "where is that place again? I hope the traffic isn't too bad" and when I meet my family for lunch, no doubt I will be thinking things....but I get to fully control my thoughts.

Unless I want to think it, I don't have to think "I am typing to Waverider right now" and have my brain give a running commentary of my life.....I don't have to romanticise about the past or worry about the future and I certainly don't have to worry about what other people think of me.

The longest I have gone without a single thought though, is about three days once, when I allowed myself just to be lost in the Bliss for that long without grounding myself.
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