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Old 11-10-2018, 11:52 AM
Baile Baile is offline
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Originally Posted by lemex
How often does it happen. I have been told in my case it was about karma and I found, my past.
Life can be scary, no question. Bad things can and do happen. Nevertheless I said that to make a specific point, which is this:

Once one connects with the truth regarding the eternal soul and reincarnation (and to a lesser degree, karma), one comes to see that there truly is nothing to fear. Death is just one half of the birth cycle. One can't be born again until they die first! It's like going to sleep every night, do we fear sleep? One loses all fear of death when this understanding becomes their truth.

It is fear of death that causes fear in life. For most people, fear of death hangs over them like a cloud as they walk through life. But once that fear of death is gone completely, one is able to fearlessly step into their true life: their freed-soul life. After that, nothing one experiences can cause that cloud of soul-fear to ever return. Even one's failures in life are now seen and understood as learning experiences. And if we "failed" in this lifetime, we will get another chance next lifetime, if the soul so chooses, and if it is that karmically important to the soul and its evolution.
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