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Old 10-10-2018, 09:44 AM
Posts: n/a
Spend time 'getting to know' your feelings, because anxiety and intuition are very different. Try not to 'colour' them in any way but simply observe - envision your feelings as things that have a life of their own if that helps, but be the observer of your feelings and not the one that has them. Detach from them, that is the key - you don't have your feelings, you are above them. Also try and trace them from the source because that will help you to distinguish which is which.

If you're an energy person you can tell the frequencies of either one. To me intuition is more of a 'solid' energy and quite calm, while anxiety is similar to nervous energy, it feels 'harsh' and 'jagged'. Intuition is 'just there' as though it's appeared out of nowhere and has always been there, while anxiety is generated by the mind/emotions. To you though they might feel very different, so you have to make your own discovery. Don't try and subdue your anxiety because that doesn't help, nor does it always work. Work with your anxiety and use it as a friend, not an enemy. Once you understand nervous/anxious energy you can put it to good use instead of using energy to fight energy that can help you.
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