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Old 09-10-2018, 05:49 PM
stitchincricket stitchincricket is offline
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Posts: 13
Late Medieval Romance in a Grove

I had a waking vision the other day that was from my life in Late 1400's England, but before I was King. It involved me playing some sort of stringed instrument and singing for a Lady whom would soon be my wife, Anne Neville, while in the midst of a fantastically beautiful ancient grove. It appeared to be Spring, the scenery was absolutely gorgeous, with such rich colors. I could hear the sounds of many different birds, singing and I could smell the fragrances of many blooming flowers mixed with an earthiness.

I laid a cloak on the ground and encouraged her to join me. We talked for a little while sitting there and then we both reclined and I started kissing her. I remember her long strawberry blonde hair, the smile on her beautiful face, her laughter/voice and the smell of her skin and hair. It didn't take long for that to escalate. She was a very strong willed and independent woman, which I found very exciting. It was a very tender, gentle love being shared and considering what she had recently been put through before that...I knew to be caring and show some restraint in what I did with her. It was such a moving, touching scene, so lovely and intoxicating. Goodness, we were both SO young in this vision, we both appeared to only be in our teens!

I actually got very melancholy after I saw that and actually started shedding tears afterwards. I could feel my heart strings pulling. The vision was so lovely and surreal. I could have just lingered there for an age and forever. I didn't want it to end. I would LOVE to know where in England this beautiful grove was, that we were in. I know in my heart that it probably, sadly, no longer exists. It looked so magical. The trees were SO huge, old and moss covered. I know there was water to the right of us, just out of sight of the path we were on.
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