Thread: Ascension
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Old 07-10-2018, 08:52 AM
Patrycia-Rose Patrycia-Rose is offline
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Good morning Mr G,

Another week of sunshine, I'm lapping up every day of warmth!

There is a 'space' where everything just is. There's no 'positive' and there's no 'negative', there's just emotion or anything else. As soon as you use the word 'positive' and especially 'negative' you create a downwards spiral for yourself - energy flows where the attention goes. The Universe doesn't read your mind so if you put your attention on 'negative' the Universe gives you more to fight against. The attention goes on the fight, not the 'negative' or changing it. Sometimes it's that simple. It's your definitions that create your reality.

Yes, it’s also about judgement of a situation or feeling, which I still catch myself doing, although I’m immediately aware that it’s a judgement. I just thank it for letting me know. Judgement is one of those areas which I’ve been wanting to get a bit more of an understanding. And, as synchronicity would have it, in this last week Matt’s released a brand new video called “Unpacking Judgements” – you’ve got to love it when that happens, so I’m busy this weekend watching, learning and noting.

I was talking to someone I 'met' on a Life's Purpose thread yonks ago, she has a friend staying with her and her friend doesn't believe in anything that isn't tangible. She was saying that her friend didn't believe in synchronicities but they were happening anyway and she had little choice but to acknowledge that. It's that kind of thing that I find so damned fascinating, but how much could be said of so many similar things - like being a part of your divine plan

I love that kind of thing also. This is a wonderful example which I revisit from time to time.

Equally, if you could project how you deal with your 'negative emotions' into the future? Sometimes it's not about the healing, it's often about changing the mindset/energies that think it needs healing. As you've just found out. It's also less about 'meant to happen' and more about 'already happening' if there is no time (for simplicity's sake).

That reminds me of something Matt said recently which was another ‘a ha’ moment. He was saying that the reason you go from healer to healer and it doesn’t work, is because life is saying this “this is a gift not a curse”. That it is a gift called your process and to take it from you because your ego is inconvenienced, would be to take you off your path.

I thought well that’s me; spending all those years trying all those different things and none of them made the slightest difference. Now I know why. That’s what led me to think that if anything heals, it’ll be because it’s in my divine plan.

Though having said that, if the time – were – to be right the physical body may need a vehicle through to which to heal, so it could be right time, right therapy. And on that note, I had the first Reiki session last week.

It was very interesting. I found that whilst I was discussing what I was going for, my body started heating up and she said this was the reiki already activating. I’ve had similar things happen before but it was nevertheless fascinating. The actual reiki felt like a solid warmth, there were nothing unusual which was good for me as it was a first session and I need to gain confidence. I have a further session booked for a couple of weeks. So we see where this takes me, if anywhere.

Last week I had a white cross into my third eye, then a black one (yep, back to that again) and then the white cross was joined by a small white coffin. A few years back that would have seriously rattled me but I just let the images come and go with no desire to seek it’s meaning, although at a rough guess the cross would mean protection and the coffin the death of something.

Anyway, on the day of the reiki I was feel anxious so decided to ask “upstairs” for protection during the session and I had the most beautfiul pink cross drop into my third eye. And it was with me all through the session.

And church bells again one night during the week.

It's 'other Life' stuff as in the realms, 'Spirit you' if you like.

That’s two different things for me. Spirit is spirit and ‘the realm’s is where my other life was/is, although having said that, this was your term for it, so I used that for the sake of reference. I’ve not got a name for that world for me that is somewhere between spirit and my imagination.

This could get very confusing!

I'm not even going to try and find the words for this but I feel as if I was there in Spirit form when he died in that lean-to. It was pretty shabby to say the least and not a way for anyone to go. And I haven't ruled out my mind playing tricks by the way. The images are so clear and they're telling me that they've been there for a while, waiting to be released. Or I'm insane, one of the two. The 'one of us' I was referring to was the Life from the other realms, 'Spirit you', so I guess being one of your Past Lives would fit that well. It's not the first time I've seen myself in this form, in this situation and I'm getting emotional.

OK, I get all that, and you’re not insane, or else both of us are! The images being there for a while is not a surprise, as they would have been there for all of my 50 years and of course I don’t know what century that little boy was on the earth plane, so in our time those images could have been hanging around for a long time.

I also wondered if these two experiences I’ve had of late around the phobia have come about to try and release the fear from me – and also heal the energy that would have been left when this boy passed over. I asked my pendulum whether I should try to consciously release or try and do something to release for the boy but it said no. Thing is, this could get very confusing, as me - the child and the adult - have been affected and I don’t want to make it worse for me as it’s something I have to still cope with. And all this keeps it in my mind. I do think that if that’s what spirit have in mind, then it will play itself out.

Actually yes it is quite interesting about the Spiritual timeline. Just keep a tight grip on your sanity lol.

I think my sanity left the building some years ago! To be honest, I can only guess by spiritual timeline, they mean the time in my personal divine plan. Not heard of the term before. But I like it when they use words or phrases which I’ve not come across before as I then know it isn’t me making this stuff up.

By the way, I remember you saying to me that you could never be like Matt. Just saying. I think the whole thing is pretty cool.

Did I say that? I can believe I did. But am excessively happy to be wrong on this occasion! What I like about listening to him and reading about the things he does as part of his own spiritual practice and abilities, I like to experiment with, see if I can do it and see how it feels to me.

By the end of my day I just want to sit on my backside and have done with it. Nurturing myself isn't something I've ever done being honest, even when I've had the time to do it. It's also about the end of Mrs G's day as well, so for her it's coming up on bedtime. I have been thinking about it but it's still part of the culture shock lol.

I don’t spend more than 20 minutes preparing a meal. A mushroom or red onion/cheese omelette doesn’t take 10 minutes and is healthy.

A friend of mine cooks up large batches of meals at the weekend, stews, bolognese etc freezes them for use in the week.

It’s about routine really.

I've made so many changes that I still can't attribute anything to anything at the moment, but at the same time it can't hurt. Although I don't eat a lot of chocolate I do like a treat here and there and it doesn't affect me, but then there wouldn't be a lot of dairy in chocolate anyway.

There’s no dairy at all in real chocolate. Dark chocolate is good for you. This is what I go for, usually the 70% percent.

Thanks but I don't have a mobile phone lol. The last one I had was about 2005 and I've never had one since. Just never felt the need.

I have a works mobile but switch it off when I leave work. I don’t have a phone at home, only a landline for the broadband but it’s permanently switched off. I don’t like speaking on the phone when I get home and the doorbell is switched off. Once I get home, I like to sink into blissful isolation!

I ran out of meds last weekend,

So how did you get on with not having any for a few days? That would be a good indicator of how things are without the influence of the pills? If it made no difference at all, then it could be that cow’s milk was the culprit and you could gradually ease off the tabs?

Any news on the scan? Sometimes if it’s the right sort of scan, they and you can see what’s going on the time they’re doing it.

This time of the year is the lead-up to so many bad things that have been with me since childhood.
I do agree, I dislike it intensely. I can be prone to depression/being run down specially January/February. Thinking back to last year, yuk! I’m wondering / hoping that maybe this newfound balance may help. We’ll have to wait and see.

I guess that's another interesting parallel between us, the closeness of the anniversaries and feeling our fathers with us. We both keep our distances in this Life because the feelings of Love are just so overwhelming, but knowing he's around is enough.

Too right there, it normally hits me like a freight train if I listen to something I know he liked, such as this one:

"Now that you’re here, your mission is to figure out why you wanted everything to be this way." Matt Kahn
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