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Old 29-09-2018, 10:01 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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I don't find it complicated to use at all. The cards are so vibrant, the characters on them seem to really live, it's amazing! Never seen anything like that before.
I read yesterday from Lily Moses -the artist- that Kyle had asked her for this deck to create the characters as if they were actually moving.
At first she got anxious, as that meant she'd have to use live models, meaning she had to go out there, and is quite the hermit (her words). But she did that anyways, took lots of photos, the right models appeared as if by magick each time she had to do a new card, and she pulled it off.
Heck, did she pull it off!
So they really speak to you as you look at them, it's seriously as if they are living, real people, which makes it very easy to access the cards.
I find them really quite deep.
I read through the entire message when I pull a card, so I at least once absorb all the info and wisdom that Kyle put into them. Then I bounce off that and/or let my own inner knowing speak through the cards.
And reading the messages at least once is great, cos one of the Warrior Symbol cards is the Arrow. I don't like arrow. LOL. But... reading the info from Kyle, wow! Same for Broken Arrow.
So yes, if you loved the Green Witch I'm quite sure you'll love this deck to bits as well!

Also, if at some point you feel your pagan roots calling you to go deeper with Tarot, you might want to look into the Wildwood Tarot.
At first I didn't like it, as I don't usually feel called to decks with a lot of animals.
I needed the deep dive into my pagan roots though, that's why Green Witch appealed to me so much. But after having used it for a year, the calling to go deeper into my Pagan roots, deeper into the subconscious if need be, grew stronger, and with that my appreciation of the Wildwood deck.
So I gave in to that and bought it. And heck, do I love it!
Kind of funny how you can see your own growth when looking at the decks you buy, haha.
For me this calling started with the Earth Wisdom deck with many Celtic symbols, and the Green Witch. Now the Angels & Ancestors and Wildwood Tarot.

I do still use the Green Witch a lot, almost always for personal readings. First choice. But for myself the Wildwood Tarot is my go-to deck now. It's so amazingly deep, and entirely different from RWS interpretations. Because the images are so different, it triggers different things within me, which is beautiful. I often go by my own interpretations, not the ones from the book.
People on YouTube commented on that a number of times, that they loved that I do that, hihi. (Sometimes I do use it for that and/or personal readings).

Anywho, hope your Angels & Ancestor deck will come in soon!
When I first got it in, I pulled cards for my Soul's energy a couple of times over a few days. Each and every time I got the same 2 cards :) And both are spot on, hihi.
I did find it difficult to shuffle when it came in, so I used fan powder on it, then the problem was gone.
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