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Old 28-09-2018, 10:40 PM
davidmartin davidmartin is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 1,082
Baile, your attitude is kind of representing western modes of thought. many, many parts of the world in the 21st century are not in the same place as this. I feel to come down so hard on them, must seem like imperialism, a kind of empire where they are being forced to conform. it's all rather self defeating and I will tell you why
Because the equality of women and their equal worth is simply self evident naturally. its a natural truth that is baked in to life itself. all we need to know is let this truth reveal itself for what it is - not trying to enforce certain modes of thinking and beliefs that are connected to forms of political ideology. if it is true, it is true. incorporating political forms, such as liberalism or western culture in general, actually undermines your cause because it will be taken as an assault in one way or another and then womens equality is politicised, when it is simply a truth of life.
women are suffering today because their cause has been associated with politics which encompasses far more than just their equal rights
I think there isn't enough separation between these things and dare I say it a lack of faith in the fundamental equality of women in the first place. something is amiss and backfiring..
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