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Old 27-08-2018, 01:37 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 6,459
I started thinking seriously about someone I met one time and got lots and lots of birds in response. Well you aren't coming back, I've known that forever even though I am stuck believing otherwise sigh.

When I knew her, the birds too... started the day she came in, and the day she left it was back to your airplanes. It was like clockwork! It is really kinda funny being depressed enough myself that I can sometimes see what people attract to themselves... about the same time I associated certain music with a certain person, and sure enough when he left that music left too. Much later the music at a place I go a lot also changed when the second 'magic girl' left...

Recently I was asked by my guides to change the radio station. Lots of grays now, before it was much more colorful sigh. I've been wondering who that goes with? But at least I get to hear some beautiful songs that have been out of my life for a long time...

I've wondered if other people live through this all the time and just take it for granted? But it is kind of a novelty for me, I never would have thought of it if i didn't see it happening around me... still rare though lol!