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Old 21-08-2018, 03:09 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by django
Why would consciousness expanding be referred to as like the "violent and rapid spread of poison through the body"?

Seems a bit violent and aggressive, it's not a pleasant experience?

I don't know much about this..All I know is through my own teachings and lived experience.

When Kechari Mudra is first performed, the secretion is very bitter, bile and toxic. It is like a poison to the system, but one must go through the "purge" before the cleansing and detoxification takes place that leads to higher levels of consciousness...It is a transmutation of energies from the gross to the more subtle vibrations.

It is said that at the churning of the ocean of milk (the upheval of our own altered states of being) by the positive and negative energies or forces, a deadly poison is produced and Siva drinks this, giving him a blue throat...after that, the nectar of Bliss...The Amrita or soma is produced. This is all metaphorical of course, but the implications are enormous.

Siva also took earthly form as the guru, Dakshinamurthy..The jagadguru...who instructed the Sapta Rishis and the four Kumaras...without speaking a single word...Just using the Chin Mudra...Just being in the presence of Dakshinamurthy...gazing into his eyes and bringing ones breath in time with that of the master's breath was enough to ensure Samadhi and liberation.

Unfortunately for many of us, having access to an "enlightened Guru" is totally off the table for this lifetime... especially when one lives in a remote location of a remote county and then, of course, there's always the thing about how does one know if a Guru is enlightened or not? and if they are Siva, why isn't everything else Siva as well?

Suffice to say, I have my own "inner guru" which, if only I was to obey and not ignore due to my ego wishing to dominate or control every aspect of my life, I would be in a much better position than I am currently in.

Aum Namah Shivaya
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